What was that other movie sorta like Jumper?

Wasn’t there a movie not too long ago about some young people with super powers? It was more supernatural in nature than Jumper I think, but for the life of me I can’t remember enough about it to find it. I kinda wanted to Netflix it, if it’s out yet.

Any ideas?

The Seeker?

Thanks for that, but no that kid’s too young. This movie had older teens or older twenty-somethings and it was like there was a group of them and the head kid had some pretty nasty powers. I vaguely recall a car or a truck crashing either over or maybe even through someone. All I ever saw was the trailer and it seems like the movie should already have hit the theaters and might even be on DVD by now.

The Covenant?

I know the movie you’re talking about.

But I can’t remember the title, either. :smack:

It’s definitely old enough to be on DVD…I’m thinking something like 2 years.

[edit - ah, Otto got it.]

Yup, that’s it. Thanks Otto (and everyone else who was thinking about it). I added it to Netflix so I won’t forget again.

Just so long as you don’t hold me responsible for how bad it sucks.

Just watched it off Netflix. Not really that bad. Almost exactly what I expected. And wash-board abs.

Could have had better special effects. It appeared they were mostly throwing globs of water at each other.

Regarding their abilities: Not sure why they bothered having four guys with power when only two of them mattered.