What will your last words be?

Not to hijack the thread, but I see this was GrahamWellington’s last post. Eerie.

Not the Art Scholl last words?: “I’ve really got a problem here…”

Given that modern medicine keeps us ticking long after we should’ve gone, I suspect most of us will use our final words to make a half-conscious, mumbled request for morphine, or perhaps something to hasten our departure. In fact, I know of one woman whose last words were exactly that: Can’t they give me something to make me go?

Don’t want to be a downer, however. I hope that my last words, spoken at a spry eighty-five, will be: “Mission control, there’s nobody left to fly the shuttle. I’m gonna take a shot at bringin’ 'er in.”

At least my life isn’t flashing before my eyes. I never had one.

“I feel happy! I feel happy. I feel…”

** As an Atheist**

This after seeing the Grim Reaper come ridding down on his white horse to carry me away to the firey depths of Hell.

Thank God it’s over.

I am Jack t…

Best. Timing. Ever.

“Don’t be ridiculous. An elephant couldn’t hit me at this dist…”

Not so much words as a tune.

Specifically the “Merry Melody” tune that plays right before Porky Pig says “th-th-th-th-th-that’s all folks!”

about 30 years ago I read a magazine article (hows that for a good cite?) about the “black box” in airplane crashes, (which was just a tape recorder that recorded conversations between the pilot and co-pilot.)

The article said that in most cases the final words on the tape were either “…(female name)… I love you”
or “oh shit!”

42, (grins) Of course!


“Destroying me will do you no good, Superman. Thanks to the nanotech deadman switch implanted in my cerebrum, my electro-ray will still destroy Metropolis.”

“…it’s full of stars…”

My uncle’s last words were “I hear taps.”

“I think I just shit my pants.”

Dear Jesus I believe you are my Savior please come into my heart and wash away my sins amen. Ha ha!

This 20 minute orgasm is AMAZING!

Yeh, I’m out of cat food, guys. So wha-a-a-a-a-a-r-r-r-r-g-g-g-h-h-h-h…

“I can see Blue. He’s glorious!”

“heh . . . that’s funny.”