My daughter is 12-years-old and in sixth grade. She is also special needs and requires quite a bit of extra care and services. My parents have done a lot to help me with her over the years, whether it be financially by paying for therapies and such or keeping her for me sometimes so that I can get a break. I appreciate the help they give me, but I am still her mother. I still make the major decisions regarding her care. I spend the most time with her. I’m the one everyone comes to when she has a problem.
However, my dad thinks he has a right to cut my daughter’s hair if it “needs” it. In his opinion, long bangs are tantamount to child abuse and he has taken it upon himself to cut them if they are long enough to get in her eyes. I have given up the idea of ever growing them out, so rather than have him chop at them, I get the bangs cut by a professional.
Today in an email, my mom said she thinks my daughter’s hair is too long in general. I disagree. I like it long. I also like to dress her in stylish, age appropriate clothes. To me, this is the closest thing to normal that we really get. Her exact words in the email, “Dad will probably cut her hair, if the mood strikes him. Why do you want it long? She doesn’t care what her hair looks like anyway.”
My response was, "Her getting to have long hair and cute clothes is one of the only “normal” things that she can do. If it doesn’t bother me and my husband, and it doesn’t bother her dad, then I don’t see why it should matter to anyone else. It’s not like she’s at your house every day and you have to take care of it. I make sure she looks cute every day that she walks out of this house.
Why does dad feel like he has a right to make decisions that are mine to make? I concede by making sure her bangs are cut short, but now he wants to cut the rest? That really makes me hesitate to want to leave her over there. Every time he’s cut her hair I’ve had to take her to a salon and pay $20 for someone to fix it. Then we have to wait for it to grow out so it doesn’t look ridiculous. He’s not a beautician. He doesn’t know how to cut hair properly. "
Unfortunately, my dad doesn’t see things like a rational person. He really feels like he has a right to do whatever he wants. It’s the price I pay for getting their help, but it really is a lot like extortion. He helps, but only so he can lord it over me anytime something like this comes up. And he drastically exaggerates the help they do give me. In times like this I feel like it isn’t even worth it if I, a 33-year-old woman, cannot even make decisions about my child’s haircut on my own.
This shit makes me so fucking mad, but what can I do? Take the help and let him control me or become a martyr to the cause and do it all myself? Why should it be a decision I have to make? Am I crazy?