So this is just a fun, issue-free little fantasy of mine. Like planning my Oscar acceptance speech or what I’d do if I won the lotto. (I’m not in film, I don’t play the lotto, and I don’t go to the gym either.) So: what would you do if you had a “perfect” body?
I’m skinny all over except my torso, and I think it would be fun to have that slender as well, with maybe a little definition to go with it. If I woke up tomorrow and that’s what I looked like, I’d run right out and buy the smallest tank top I could find and cut ten inches off the bottom so it was like a halter top, because that’s one of the sexiest pieces of clothing I’ve ever seen a guy wear. And I’d shave my stomach and get my navel pierced. Then I’d so go dancing right away.
Become famous on the stage, receive critical acclaim, try my hand at directing, fail miserably, begin a descent into poverty and madness, prostitute my “perfect” body to buy crack, and die broken, lonely, and forgotten in the gutter.
With that as an option, I’ll stay imperfect, thanks.
Hmmm, the thought of buying any clothing I want, knowing it will look good… I might actually venture away from jeans and Ts and perhaps even don a skirt occasionally! That is, I’d do that if I cared about wardrobe. In fact, I rather like jeans and Ts, and I’d probably not change that. No sense in being greedy - having the perfect wit and the perfect personality is quite enough for me…
Let’s see, you need to ask yourself: What Would Think Do?
WWTD? Why, he would:[ul][]go skiing in just his snow-pants, (done it)[]go SCUBA-diving in his surf-shorts and BCD, (done it)[]go running without a shirt, (but of course, it’s hot out)[]wear as little as possible for Halloween and Mardi Gras costumes, (yup)generally feel good about himself and his self image, (I could stand to lose maybe 10#, but yeah)[/ul]I know what your intent was, matt, but I feel good in my own skin already and though I would like wash-board abs, another coupla inches diameter on my arms and a few less on my waist, I think I’ve got a pretty damn fine body, TYVM, and anything I would do with a “perfect” one, I do now.
I would take up dance classes again. Ballet is not made for overweight people with bad ankles.
Of course, I will probably end up back in classes, perfect body or not, just because I adore performing so much. Having the typical body would just be more helpful.
Raise my prices.
Join a modelling agency.
Start a rock band.
Take acting lessons.
Cut a few albums.
Do movies.
Star in movies.
Get trophy wife.
Write/Direct/Produce a 17-hour film autobiography: Lemon Candies.
Argue with the media about the significance of my film.
Lose all my money.
Lose trophy wife.
Start drinking.
Start doing drugs (again).
Let my perfect body turn to lumpy, junk-food nourished goo.
Oh well, that was fun.