What would you do if you had superpowers?

I’d grab my exwife by the hair, fly her up to about ten thousand feet and drop her. Then, I’d swoop down and catch her at about the fifty foot level and do it all again until I got bored. Then I’d set her down safely and tell her to watch her step. After that, all organized religion would be eliminated and any politician who even mentioned religion would be vaporized. I would also appoint my darling Marcie as Supreme Commander and take orders from her and only her.

Actually that sounds pretty fun. Can you do that for me too?

My power would be the ability to create a Globe of Protection!

I’d need something to protect myself from the rest of you. Plus, I could save people by expanding my globe if buildings started falling on them and stuff…if I felt like it.
Funny thing though! A friend and I were talking about this very thing after watching the last Xmen movie. She wanted to be able to travel anywhere - like teleportation, so she could finally see the world. I thought my Globe of Protection would come in handy because she has a really poor sense of direction and I could see us teleporting to the middle of the ocean. (The Globe of Protection is an enclosed life sustaining environment.)

And my opinion of your opinion gets set further into stone.