Whatcha gettin' for Christmas?

I’m getting:

  1. Book Lover’s Page-A-Day Calendar from El Hubbo. He gave me one a couple years ago and many of those books have become my favorites. Anyone ever read Geek Love by Katherine Dunn?

  2. 395 Corgis a Year Calendar from my dog. She’s actually in it - a celebridog!

  3. Time-Life’s Great Taste Low Fat BBQ and Stir Fry/Sautee Recipe Books from Santa

  4. Moolah from 'rents, grand’rents, and 'rent in-laws, which will be used to buy: A new down comforter, some bed sheets and some clothes.

I love Christmas! I love gifties! I’m a capitalist pig and a material girl!

How do you know what you are getting before the event? (gazes at the sky innocently)

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

A garage door opener. More precisely, an old garage door opener and my wife is getting a new garage door opener. We’ve always had one on one side of our two-car garage, which my wife used. My present was one on the other side. But my wife decided that she wanted to park closer to the door to the house. So she got the new one, etc.

My son bought us a DVD player and my wife and I got ourselves a new microwave oven, though, both of which are very nice gifts. My wife has something up her sleeve for Christmas day and although she says she doesn’t want anything for Christmas you can be sure there would be one in-the-doghouse kinda guy Christmas morning if her stocking was empty!

Let’s see. I lathered and I rinsed. But did I repeat?

PCWbaby, my family does the surprise on Christmas morning thing, but my husband’s family does not. Therefore, he lacks the ability to surprise and I always know what I’m getting from him.

My parents are in an 36-foot RV toolin’ around the country (they’re in Tucson, AZ awaiting their 37-foot RV’s delivery now), so they can’t really buy me something and ship it to me… too much of a pain. Ergo, the cashola.

I’m surprising El Hubbo but not hugely. Just one of those thingys to put the new state quarters in… a map of the U.S. with slots for the quarters on each state. Whee… I think he’ll like it, though.

Well, I’m really lookin’ forward to Jelly Belly Buttered Popcorn outta the stocking on Christmas Morning. The other flavors are pretty good as well, but those things are the best.

I think I’m also getting some books, Discworld stuff, and some furniture for my new place. Maybe shoes as well.
And big, wet, lickery kisses from LI #2. Hopefully. Heh.

“And he, he himself, the Grinch,
carved the roast beast.”

FlypyBABY I think I love you, because you just reminded me that I have some Jelly Bellys in my bag! Woo hoo! (I loooove the buttered popcorn ones too, by the way.) :slight_smile:

Calendar, clothes, pistachio nuts, maybe some books, and the rest is a surprise. Happy Holidays!

Share! Share! Share, or I’m tellin’!!

“And he, he himself, the Grinch,
carved the roast beast.”

Let’s see…

Already got the new computer two months ago. From the grandparents: money, as usual, which is going into the savings account. From my parents: a couple of CDs (and hopefully they remember to buy the right ones), a new suitcase, two new shirts…and a couple of surprises.

And Flyp reminded me of my present to myself: a trip to see my sweetie. Woohoo! (Although…BUTTERED POPCORN JELLYBELLYS? Those are the worst ones!)

Happy holidays, all!

“Jesus Mary Joseph…you’re a biker chick!” - co-worker, upon hearing of my tattoo.

I’ll let you know once Christmas is over. :smiley:

Some drink at the fountain of knowledge…others just gargle.

Dunno, I’ll let you know on the 27Th. My, sister and brother in law and kids are spending Christmas and the 26th at his paarents, so we won’t open anything until the 27th. If I was 8 that would have bummed me out.
Waiting for Santa

You want brilliance BEFORE I’ve had my coffee!!!

Okay, damage control. Before ANYONE goes off half-cocked that they’ve discovered some new secret romance, this

has nothing to do with me. Falcon’s sweetie, while a lucky man, is not Flypsyde. She’ll confirm this.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

“And he, he himself, the Grinch,
carved the roast beast.”

You asked for it, bonehead:

<FONT SIZE=3>Flyp and Falcon, sittin’ in a tree,
First comes love,
Then comes marriage,
Then comes Flyp Junior in a baby carriage,
Suckin’ his thumb,
Wettin’ his pants,
Doin’ the hootcie-kootchie dance!

I won’t know what my family got me until after Christmas, but my best friend and her husband came to visit me last week and brought me an absolutely fabulous gift: A 2 foot high hooka they bought in Turkey, complete with Turkish tabacco. It’s stunningly beautiful.

“I should not take bribes and Minister Bal Bahadur KC should not do so either. But if clerks take a bribe of Rs 50-60 after a hard day’s work, it is not an issue.” ----Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, Current Prime Minister of Nepal

Launcher may train without warning.

Maybe we should take this to the pit but I can’t stand the buttered popcorn flavor jelly bellies. There are sweet things and there are salty snacks. Never the twain should meet!

So now I’m hoping for that part of the jelly belly factory to burn down for Christmas. Ho ho ho!

Let’s see. I lathered and I rinsed. But did I repeat?

Well, a hearty Bah-Fuckin’-Humbug to you too, pluto. Heh.

And my, what a wonderful little ditty you’ve composed, Cant. I must take exception to the term “bonehead”, however; I submit that “numbnuts” or “shit-for-brains” are much more whimsical words than droll old “bonehead”.

“And he, he himself, the Grinch,
carved the roast beast.”

Well lets see…

umm I have no earthly idea except that my son made me a decoration of sort. He’s been handing me the package for a week now and tomorrow nite we will open it as one of our before bed gifts.

A true friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out…there are Angels among us

I have been terrible and opened EVERYTHING as it has come in - doesn’t leave much for surprise, but I like it that way gives me time to give each person the time they deserve in thanking them - on christmas day I always forget everyone or am so sick of opening things that I don’t act sincere.
Anyway, some nice gifts, some unexpected things. My favourites so far :-

-2000 Cats calendar from Gran, she knows I miss my babies.
-Real Christmas cake from mum back in Australia - tastes damn good.
-Lovely bath things from a guy I misjudged appallingly but is a gem even if it took me a while to see.
-Antique picture from Ethiopia - all money went to charity so it feels like good things came from this gift.

and other gifty things including a cheque from my clueless boss - but he is tryine so I think it is sweet.

Hope everyone gets lovely surprises

Flyp AKA NumbNuts and Shit-for-Brains.

I wish I could get you a clue for Christmas. Love ya. :slight_smile: