What's a bigot.

So if you intimidated someone, you had sex with them?

So where’s Moonlight Drive, the object (not to objectify) of this OP? I specifically invited her/him. Not sure why I thought of M D in this particular reply.

So what does this all have to do with bigoted hobbits in colorful houses?

Fuck, actually, you. I tend to respond to post’s content, not its poster; people who I consider entire assholes in the Pit are often brilliant in Cafe Society. So any arguments I have with your posts is entirely not about you. In this case in particular, the joke was aimed at the legal profession as a whole, which I presume you don’t presume to represent.

>>What’s a bigot.

No. What is on second base. Who’s a bigot.

Regarding the OP, race wouldn’t have been the first thing that came to mind. I have described my friend’s neighbourhood as diverse though I suspect that the majority of the inhabitants are white, as probably 98% of the population of my town is. I consider it economically diverse, as the houses opposite are small mansions while the houses behind are old, shabby government housing. Her neighbourhood is home to both people on welfare and those who need never work another day in their lives. I can think of several neighbourhoods like that in this area, especially if you include the government housing that was purposely built amongst privately owned homes in order to avoid creating more “slum” housing developments.

That said, I fail to see how diverse architecture relates to locking your doors.

This post has been burgled by the Burglar!

robble robble

Oh my God, my gut hurts from laughing so hard. Every time I started to wind down, I looked up at burglarizatorizationization and started laughing again. Thanks for a much-needed chuckle at the end of a long day!

I take this thread as evidence that we have enough screeds on race relations and not nearly enough on humourous grammatization.

Bah, we all know the Irish are bunch of criminals anyways. If they don’t have anyone else to rob, of course they will steal from each other. :wink:

Just kidding, am part Irish myself.

Och! They’re after me Lucky Charms!

::::wiping away tears::::

Good one.

You’re lucky I wasn’t drinking anything, or you’d owe me a new laptop.

I thought diverse meant economic as well as racially diverse. My neighborhood has whitey’s, rednecks, niggers, wetbacks, gooks, etc.

I trust none of them and keep all of my doors locked as well as a pit bull, a staffordshire terrier & a redbone hound. Also a rifle in case I’m home when/if i get “burgled”.

I do trust the old couple that live next to me and I’m thankful that they are very nosey and watch my house like a hawk.

I’m really not predjudiced. I hate everyone the same.

<insert smiley of some sort here. indifference perhaps?>

But the height is right

Funnily enough, that’s the same way I feel about your “pressurised”. What the hell’s wrong with “pressured”?

And can we please streamline jag-U-ar and alu-MINI-um, already?

No no–can we prioritizationalisticize speciality?

Pressured means something different from pressuris(z)ed. “To pressuris(z)e” something means to cause it to maintain an even atmospheric pressure. “To pressure” someone means to apply motivational pressure to them.

“I pressurized the airliner cabin” as opposed to “I pressured him to sign the contract.”

It’s all in the nuance. That’s why English is such a grand language.

English is such a grand language also because of it’s diverse, and grand, roots. And it’s ability to absorb words like “ain’t” and “rip-off”. :slight_smile:
Which is why I included the suspect quote in the OP. Context is everything.
Should I pressurize Moonlight Drive to chime in? Nah. The gauntlet has been thrown.