What's a "fake shemp"?

They’re in the credits for “The Evil Dead” and its sequel, what are they?

If someone else gets this typed in before me I’m gonna be pissed.

From Bruce Campbell’s memoir, If Chins Could Kill, discussing the Three Stooges short films:

Briefly, it’s a Sam Rami-ism. I know about it because I read Bruce Campbell’s autobiography. But it was two years ago.
Basically, ‘shemping’ is doing things in the background. I think. Will check later when I remember where the book is. It’s generally stooging around, anyhow. There is one Real Shemp, but he wasn’t around for this movie, so they hired some Fake Shemps.

So who are the Fake Shemps in Evil Dead? The people operating the strings and puppetry in the house? IMDB lists several aside from the cast and I can’t remember where they may have appeared :confused:

No – the point of a “fake Shemp” is that they’re someone you see, albeit far off, fleetingly, or blurrily, just as the “real” “fake Shemp” was someone who was supposed to be Shemp, but he wasn’t available. It wouldn’t be some hidden puppeteer.

Similarly, Campbell is credited as “Final Shemp” for his five-second appearance at the very end of Darkman.

Ah, so no deer heads and the like. I can’t remember, was there an airport scene in Evil Dead as in Evil Dead II? Was the driver of the lorry credited (was he in Evil Dead as well?)

From This site, who evidently got it from the one they name:
