Sometimes when I’m on Ebay, and I’ve clicked on an individual auction, I can’t go back to the listings. Clicking on the back arrow doesn’t work, hitting the Backspace key doesn’t work. I’m stuck on that particular item and can’t move. I’ve got to re-enter my search and start over.
This doesn’t always happen, but enough times that it bugs me.
Do you have an example? There are ways in Java to disable your back button, but I don’t know if they can be used in an ebay auction. Likewise, if a page redirects you, you’ll need to hit Back twice to get back without being redirected again. Again, though, that shouldn’t be happening in ebay.
One workaround would be to open auctions in a new window/tab instead of just clicking through. That will always get you back to where you started from.
JSexton you mean Javascript not Java. They’re different things.
But, regardless, JSexton is right. That sort of stuff shouldn’t be happening on eBay.
A couple of questions for the OP:
What browser and operating system?
Does your browser have a little down arrow next to the back button on the toolbar? If you click that arrow, at least in Firefox and IE 6, you should see a list of previous pages. Can you choose a previous page and get back that way? Is the list empty?
Are you absolutely positively 100% sure that you are not opening a new window or a new tab when going from the search results list to an item?