What's grosser than gross?

When I was a little kid there would be these jokes which would start with, “What’s grosser than gross?” The other kid would say, “I don’t know.” and the punch line would be delivered.

Two I remember off of the top of my head were:

What’s grosser than gross?
Two vampires fighting over a bloody tampon.

What’s grosser than gross?
Getting a hard-on and running out of skin.

And I think there was one about having sex with a pregnant woman and the baby giving head.

Anyway, what things can you add that are “grosser than gross?”


ie, a gross of grosses. (sort of like a holy of holies).

(Going back to 3rd grade) A midget telling you your hair smells good.

Two snails fucking in a bucket of snot.

I thought the format was different. I always heard these jokes in the following form:

Q: Know what’s gross?
R: What?
Q: [some mildly gross thing]. But you know what’s grosser than gross?
R: What?!
Q: [some horribly gross thing related to the first gross thing]

The only one I can remember went like this:
Q: Know what’s gross?
R: What?
Q: Finding a hair in your food. Know what’s grosser than gross?
R: What?
Q: It’s your grandma’s pubic hair.

Finding a tampon in your tomato soup.

What’s grosser than gross?
When you jump off a 10-story building and your eyeball gets caught on a nail.

What’s grosser than gross?
Ten dead babies in a garbage can.
What’s grosser than that?
One dead baby in ten garbage cans.

What’s grosser than gross?
When you throw your underwear and it sticks to the wall.
What’s grosser than that?
Watching it crawl down.
What’s grosser than that?
Watching it crawl back up again.
What’s grosser than that?
Watching it fly back at you!

These were the zenith of humor when I was in elementary school.

Well the ‘fetus giving you head’ one has been posted, so…

Biting into a hot dog and finding a vein.

What’s grosser than that?
There’s another one alive at the bottom.
What’s grosser than that?
It eats it’s way out to freedom.
What’s grosser than that?
It goes back in for seconds.

I’ll stop now.

Possum poo. It is the worst-smelling smell on earth.

Yeah, you can stop at one gross thing. Or you name one gross thing, then name something grosser than that, and sometimes even grosser than grosser than gross.

What’s grosser than gross?
Drinking a Bloody Mary and finding a string.

What’s grosser than gross?

Finding a condom in the bottom of the mayonnaise jar.

What’s gross?
Finding a worm in your apple.
What’s grosser than gross?
Finding half a worm in your apple.

Conjoined twins attached at the mouth and one of them vomits.

Ice gross!


A loogie in a trash bin?

Eating a bowl of corn flakes only to discover it is your little brother’s scab collection.

Giving your grandma a kiss and she gives you tongue.

when an elephant shits its pants.