What's grosser than this? Or, my "ism"

Well, probably lots of things, I guess, but for me the ick factor is right up there with nasal-hair-hanging, visible boogers. I absolutely cannot stand to sit down in a chair still warm from someone else’s butt. Even people who have butts that normally aren’t yucky to me at all, like my hubby and Jane the Lesser and Jane the Least. Am I alone here? And if so, what’s your “ism”?

…a warm toilet seat?

(this is a competition. isn’t it?)

SPOOFE and the toothpaste

Hah! I’ll see your warm toilet seat and raise you a warm, sweaty toilet seat!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go throw up.

Okay, try this.

The following tubes are the same shape, size and color: Vagisil, Crest and prescription zit cream.

I wear very, very thick glasses. Usually, anyway.

I don’t want to talk about it.

It was going to be mentioned sooner or later.

Obviously, nothing is nastier than felching.

It was going to be mentioned sooner or later.

Obviously, nothing is nastier than felching.

Yeah, but did you have to mention it twice? [sub]ewwww[/sub]

stuffing grapenuts up your ass and sitting on a pailful of gerbils?

Recommended by 4 outta 5 Richard Gere’s!

There are many things more disgusting than felching.

Golden showers, for one.


Jane_says may have more to worry about than she thinks, vis-a-vis sitting in Chairs Warm From Other People’s Butts.

There is a Peter Cook/Dudley Moore sketch in which PC (stuffy upper class father) is explaining the Facts Of Life to DM (naive son).

According to PC, and I didn’t know this, it is possible for a woman to become pregnant merely by sitting on a warm chair recently vacated by her husband.

So there you have it.

One of mine: when someone sneezes on you. For gods sake people catch it! Use you own hands if you have to.

The grossest thing I have ever endured is Gwenyth Paltrow’s singing voice.

I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to make ‘Bette Davis Eyes’ sound worse than the original, but whenever there’s an envelope out there, some sick twisted individual is bound to push it too far.

Welcome to the boards! I can’t agree with you more on this one.

Your evelope line would make an excellent sig line.

Sorry about the double post.

How about, on a sweltering hot humid mid-August day, falling face-first into a warm festering pile of day-old roadkill?

I’ll admit that if I were ever forced, on pain of dismemberment, to chose between having eighteen sweaty, unwashed, overweight guys stand over me and drain their bladders, versus having to be within thirty feet of someone/thing that is dead…

…actually I might just go with the dismemberment. :smiley:

Don’t know why, but the sound of a dog licking itself just makes my skin crawl. I’m glad they do it. Heck, gotta keep themselves clean, but I can’t stand the sound.
Though I suppose it’s not all that gross compared to other things…

perhaps a urine enema?

I may regret saying this, but having the seat “preheated” for me isn’t such a bad thing. Especially on those cold winter mornings. :slight_smile:

Following up on what DeathLlama said, how about a dog licking your face after he’s been cleaning himself. Yuck! That grosses me out completely. I can’t stand the thought of a dog licking his balls and then licking my face.

Oh yeah? How about bad breath? As in “stop-a-400-ton-train-dead-in-its-tracks-bad”.


“Sir, I can see your breath… and it’s not even cold out. And why is it green in color?”