What's in your freezer?

Several trays of ice cubes, a bag of shrimp, some chocolate chips, Blue Ice, Bed Buddies, Tofutti Cuties, Popsicles, ice cream, Lean Cuisines, and some bags of veggies.

What are you freezing?

Ice cubes, natch. Several bags of frozen veggies, including one bag of frozen okra that I’m not sure how it got in there. Two cartons of Breyer’s “Carb Aware” ice cream. (Shut up.) Three pounds of hamburger. Several freezer bags of frozen baby food cubes (I think we got peaches, asparagus, green beans, squash, and sweet potatoes in there right now). One of those “frosty mugs” that you freeze to keep cold. A bottle of vodka. One box of Mrs. T’s pierogis.

I think that’s it.

A frozen pizza, a bag of crinkle cut french fries, a bag of chicken breast filets, a container of chicken legs, and a pound of ground beef cut up into four ziploc bags.

Ten dreamsicles and a lot of frost.

Two ice cube trays, a ziploc of ice, a bottle of gin and a bottle of Triple Sec.

Ice cube tray that makes long skinny ice (nice for putting in water bottles)
Ice cube tray that makes star shaped ice
½ bag of ice from the grocery store
2 star shaped things you freeze and put in your kids lunch box to keep their sanwiches cold
1/4 bottle Absolut
½ bag of frozen spinach
small box of frozen spinach
½ bag of frozen peas
most of a bag of frozen mixed veggies
1 lbs butter (now in fridge as I thought we were out)
Box of baking soda
packet of Okie Dokie Artichoke Lemon Parsley ravioli
4 lbs of ground beef
2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts
5 lbs thick cut bacon
2½ lbs beef fillets
3 lbs extra thick cut pork chops
1 lbs shrimp
one ice pack for when you sprain you ankle

Mind you, this is all in the little freezer that in attached to the fridge. I do good at packing the freezer.

What we don’t have in our freezer is blueberries. For the first 9 years we had this random packet of frozen blueberries in our freezer. We’re not even sure how it got there as we never made or planned to make anything with blueberries. For the longest time I wouldn’t throw them out thinking I might bring upon myself the wrath of the frozen produce diety. Then about a year ago, I got brave and threw them out. Nothing bad happened. I no long believe in the frozen produce god.

Our 1970s (original-to-the-apartment, as is the dishwasher and the oven; our clothes washer and dryer are of matching vintage and style, but our own) refrigerator came with a brand-new aftermarket icemaker, which we never ever use because it goes KACLANK in the middle of the night. So our freezer contains
two ice cube trays, a crapload of Otterpops, some eye of round steaks, a few extra-thin sirloins, some unbreaded chicken breast fillets, two blue icee things for putting in coolers, a box of fish sticks, some broccoli, and a chocolate bar.

In the kitchen freezer (our kitchen is on the first floor):
vanilla ice cream
raspberry ripple ice cream
peas, runner beans, sweetcorn
fish fillets
minced lamb
chicken pie
several packs of crumpets, buns, pancakes etc
various opened packs of burgers, sausages, chicken nuggets, fish fingers…

In the large chest freezer (in the garage on the ground floor):
8 loaves of sliced bread
more buns, crumpets etc
packs of chicken wings, drumsticks
packs of pork chops, belly rashers
packs of diced turkey
mushroom quiche
another quiche (can’t remember what sort)
chicken pie
lamb & vegetable pie
8 x pound bags of blackberries

-Plus a huge amount of produce from our allotment:
32 corn cobs
broad beans
runner beans (shredded)
french beans (cut)
courgettes (cooked down with tomatoes)

A couple steaks.
A pound of ground beef.
Two turkey sausages.
Former roomate.
Some pop tarts.

Sheesh, I’m almost embarassed to post this. I’m not 100% sure what’s in the freezer, but it’s a lot. From memory:

Couple each:
Salmon filets
Tuna filets
Hot dogs (I never buy the darn things - friends forced them on me after a barbecue)
Chicken breast tenders
Partial bag of shrimp
1 lb. salmon patties

1 lb. butter
2 lbs. cranberries
2 lbs. blueberries
Various kinds of bread (maybe 3 different ones, but not full loaves)
A few bagels
2 lbs. bread crumbs, which I bought for some insane recipe
A jar of homemade pesto, I think
Snow peas
Slivered almonds
Poppy seeds

The whole door is filled with herbs and spices, because I buy them at various ethnic groceries in insane quantities (why buy the stale supermarket ones in 1/2 oz. bottles when for the same money, you can buy 4 oz. or 8 oz.?):

Herbes de Provence
Nutmeg, whole and ground
Cinnamon sticks
Chili powder
Cumin, whole and ground
Fenugreek, seeds and leaves
Garam masala
Curry powder
Black peppercorns
Szechuan peppercorns

And this is a small, over-the-fridge freezer, not a chest freezer.

Chocolate and vanilla cake frostings;pesto made from basil grown on my patio;frozen shrimp; papaya puree;the best ice cream in the world[B&R’s Pralines&Cream];leftover sausage gravy;butter;bread to make bread pudding[when I’ve accumulated enough];turkey soup;2 meatloaves; and homemade barbequed beans. Quite a lot, actually.

I’m going from memory here, since I’m not at my apartment, but:

Three ice cube trays…though I’m 90% sure one is empty
Three or Four small steaks
Four or Five chicken breasts
Half a carton of Stewart’s Crumbs Along the Mohawk ice cream
1/5 of a bottle of watermoelon flavored vodka
1/3 a bag of french fries
1 chicken carcas

[li]6 trays of ice, plus a separate plastic bin for storing more ice.[/li][li]Two bags of popsicles.[/li][li]Corn dogs that my roommate likes to eat[/li][li]A few miscellanous Stouffer’s entrees[/li][/ul]
That’s all I can think of (I’d check for more and list it if I were home right now).

A Tombstone pizza
Some tater tots
Some breaded fish fillets
A package of chicken thighs
A bag of large scallops
Two salmon fillets
Two containers of corned beef broth
Two ice cube trays
Kit-Kats, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey’s Milk Chocolate with Almonds
Eight 100-foot rolls of unexposed B&W Kodak 16mm film stock
One 400-foot roll of unexposed colour Fuji 16mm film stock
Two exposed rolls of B&W Kodak 16mm film stock
One exposed roll of super-8 stock
Eight unexposed rolls of super-8 film stock

4 trays of ice
1 talapia filet
1 salmon filet
1 salmon steak
1 tuna steak
1 tuna burger
3 (beef) steaks
8 or 9 chicken breasts
Mrs T’s perogies
Mystic Pizza
Various bags of frozen veggies

I think that covers it. That’s from memory so if there’s anything else in there, I probably don’t want to know.

I was inspired to go look -

Between the freezer in the fridge and the chest freezer we have

  • bread
  • Texas toast
  • chicken strips
  • pizza rolls
  • chocolate ice cream
  • french fries
  • star bars
  • Swiss rolls
  • ground beef ( several packages )
  • polar pops
  • waffles
  • hot dogs
  • cheddarworst
  • fish
  • hash browns
  • sausage links
  • whole chicken
  • zucchini ( 40 cups )
  • ice cubes
  • frozen veggies ( several packages )
  • pork roasts (2)
  • beef roasts
  • ham
  • pork chops
  • other meat that was at the bottom that I didn’t move everything out to see
  • freezer pops
  • frozen baked goods
  • butter
  • tv dinners
  • pot pies
  • raspberries
  • pizzas

3 ice trays, and a plastic box to dump 'em into.

Flexy ice packs for sore body parts.

3 “bag-o-stuff” frozen dinners

1 bag frozen shrimp

1 bag cooked chicken strips

Assorted bags of peas, snap peas, corn, broccoli florets, and mixes.

Stack of lunch size entrees

Big tupperoid box of skinless, boneless chicken breasts wrapped in wax paper.

Plastic boxes of 1 1/2" thick boneless pork loin. I buy vac packed whole loin on sale, and slice them up. Thaw them out, rub on spices, and grill.

Ziplocs full of red bell peppers slices, from when they were on sale.

Ziplocs full of glazed onions. A couple times a year, I make a crockpot full of 'em.

Three frozen chicken cordon bleus
Three frozen chicken kievs
One pound of bratwurst
One ziploc bag with three bratwurst in it
One box of hazelnut candy from Europe (one of my guys from work brought it for me when he came back from a business trip)
Three boxes of various chocolate thingies from when my son worked at Morkes Chocolates (there are two large rings - the ring part is milk chocolate and the “stone” is white chocolate that he got me for my birthday and for Mother’s Day, and a tool box made of dark chocolate with white chocolate “tools” inside the box that he got for Mr2U for Father’s Day)
A box of popsicles (cherry, orange and grape of course)
Two pounds of butter
A package of Ballpark hot dogs (they plump when ya cook 'em!)
A frozen Jewel Chef’s Kitchen Thin-n-Crispy Sausage Pizza
A half eaten box of Texas Toast (with cheese)
Two packages of chicken leg quarters
A bag of chicken tenders
A box of fish fillets (we trust the Gorton’s Fisherman!)
A bag of Tater Tots (well Tater Treats - they’re the store brand so they cannot have the “tot” designation, apparently)
One carton of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
One carton of Double Fudge Brownie Ice Cream (we don’t eat that much ice cream as a rule, but it was buy one get one free at Jewel last week)
One Kids Cuisine frozen meal which the kid does not want to eat
The remains of chicken bones from Sunday’s dinner (Mr2U doesn’t want them in the garbage cause dog will eat them - or in the trash in the garage cause it’ll smell so we put them in a bag we got from going grocery shopping and then stick it in the freezer until garbage day)
An ice pack/packet/thingamajig that is supposed to go in Mini2U’s lunch bag but he doesn’t use it. So it sits.
A bag of corn.
A box of Green Giant broccoli and cheese
FlavorIce thingies. I’m not sure what they’re called, cause Popsicles they ain’t - but they’re the liquid thingies you freeze, then you snip off the end and push up the frozen stuff through the top of the plastic - they are shaped kinda like paint stirrers - Aw hell, you would know what I’m talking about if ya saw one.

One ice tray that doesn’t belong to us.

Ice, lots of glasses for the homebrew, Tri-tip (a bunch of them), some Italian sausages, a human head, several bags of pot stickers, waffles, butter, chicken dinosaurs for the boy, ice cream and otter-pops.