What's in your pockets right now?

Today’s work outfit has no pockets at all. Scandalous!

The bag I was carrying has far too much stuff in it though, but it’s my everyday work bag:

Cheque book
Book tokens
Book to read on the train
Cell phone
Office keys
House keys
Car keys
Desk keys
ID card for work
Travel pass

If I’m going out, then it’s the smallest bag possible with usually only cash, house keys, travel pass and cell phone.

Me too. Or else a washed tissue.

But in my giganto hand/shoulderbag I have a purse organizer w/lite, 2 cosmetic bags, an umbrella, a comb, a mini-hairbrush, 2 pens, makeup, SHOUT packets, eyeglass cleaner packets, a TIDE pen, a wallet, 2 powder compacts, a purse hanger, there is more . . .

When I switch to tiny I usually carry tissues, phone, keys, licence and bit of cash. And the tickets! Opera is more fun if one actually sees it using the tickets.

Right now, I’m naked. Don’t get all flushed and damp, girls.

Usually, I carry a metal thingie containing two credit cards, an ID card and a library card, my keys, my access card to work, a bonus thingymajig at a local hobby store, and possibly a little cash.

RF: 2 pens of contrasting color and keys
LF: cell phone, loose change
RB: empty, usually reserved for receipts, notes to myself, etc.
LB: wallet. I’m odd, apparently.

That is pretty much my minimum set as well. Occasionally I leave the house without my keys, if I am taking the bus/train instead of driving and my wife has the house keys or I expect she will be home when I get back, but I have been burned by this assumption in the past and spent 45 minutes to an hour cooling my heels on my outside deck. And maybe 10% of the time I forget to put on my watch while getting dressed in the morning if I didn’t leave it where I usually do on my bedside table.

I guess I should include “BlackBerry” on the list too, which for me is separate from my cell phone. My employer pays for it and I didn’t want to give up my personal cell phone number, nor my Razr phone with the camera feature.

I never leave the house without my wallet.

I’m writing this at home, sitting in my boxers, and if here’s anything in there, you’ll have to ask The Lady in Red

Normally, I keep a wallet in my back left pocket with credit cards, drivers license, etc., but no folding money.

My comb in back right, as well as cash in a money clip (the practice comes from too much travel to various countries)

name card case in shirt pocket if working and wearing a shirt with pockets and that’s all.

I keep my change in a coin case in my briefcase and wear by cell phone on my belt.

LF: Wallet.
RF: Keys, spare lighter
RF (nested lighter pocket): Lighter (unsurprisingly. I keep my Zippo here, and the spare in the outer pocket in case the Zippo runs out of fluid before I can refill it.)
LB: Pay stub (don’t ask me why I keep it there), foreign or “special” change (kept, apparently, for novelty. Contents herein: Three standard US quarters, six US state quarters (2 GA, 1 NE, 1 NY, 1 LA, 1 ND), 2 US nickels, 1 Canadian provincial quarter (NB), 1 US wheat penny, 4 old Canadian pennies (1940 and 1951 King George VI, 1955 and 1958 Elizabeth II with the ribbon in her hair), 1 old 12-sided Canadian nickel (1961), 1 Barbados penny, 1 British 5p piece, and 1 hexagonal 20 Indian rupee piece made of aluminum. Fascinating, I know.)
RB: Loose change.

My phone is kept in its leather case on a belt clip on my right hip.

  1. RB - wallet
  2. RF - this tool
  3. LB - empty
  4. LF - Blackberry

RF- pocket knife, nail clippers, small flat stone my mom gave me, Special Forces “challenge coin”
LF- $52 in folding money, 68 cents in coin
RR and LR- nothing, ever
Shirt Pocket- nothing ever
Coat pocket (inside left breast pocket)- ink pen and reading glasses

Keys and wallet.

Pockets are empty. I tend not to rely on pockets, as womens’ clothes often don’t have pockets.

My purse currently has:

My cellphone
My wallet
A cute little change purse someone brought me from China
My chapstick
My iPod
A pen
My iPod headphones (in the side pocket)
A pair of batteries (left over from the last time I took my camera out)
A tiny address/phone book
Of course my keys
A tiny little zippered bag. I use this to keep a couple of barettes, a scrunchy or hairband, and I also use it to put any jewelry in I may take off during the day or whatever.

Same thing I have in my pockets every day – wallet, cell phone, handkerchief, keys, and change (today, $0.79). Everything stays in its assigned pocket until I take it out and put it in its designated spot on the nightstand.

Egads! That’s how stuff gets lost. I adore my wife, but I’ve finally stopped helping her look for stuff when she misplaces it. Pick a place for it, and then put it there, fer cryin’ out loud. Then, you don’t have to remember where it is, only the two or three places where it could be.

Yes, I am uptight. Why do you ask?

LF - Keys
RF - Knife and whatever change
LR - Checkbook
RR - Walet

Havn’t changed that routine for at least 20 years.

My keys.
My wallet
A comb (rarely used)
A cell phone (rare for me to carry)
A silver coin given to me by someone when I was sick. It is a “guardian angel”.
A small bag of vitamins.

Maybe I’ve been laboring under a misconception for nigh on 35 years (wouldn’t be the first) but I meant the left rear pocket. I guess I haven’t heard anyone say “hip pocket” in a while, a bit of language that’s falling into disfavor?

Dopers, which is the “hip pocket”? (besides the one that holds a funky jazz riff)

LF: Money clip with $85 (currently), driver’s license, MasterCard, ATM card, insurance card and 5 or 6 business cards.
RF: Comb and cell phone. I hate carrying my cell phone in my pocket, but if I take it out and leave it on the desk I invariably miss calls as I have to walk around the office frequently. And I was soundly criticized a couple years ago for carrying it clipped to my belt, as being laughingly unfashionable (not a criticism of others, that’s just what I was accused of).
LR: Usually nothing, as now.
RR: Handkercheif.

I never carry my keys on my person unless I’m walking to or away from my car. I hand carry them and put them on the table/desk wherever I am, or in my briefcase if I’m out and about for work.

No, you are not uptight. I used to lose my stuff all the time, until I started making set places to put it. Now as soon as I get home my keys go directly into my purse and my purse stays on the stairs.

LF= Zippo, mini Maglite, Burt’s bees lip stuff, and assorted change.
RF= cell phone
LR= empty to start the day, but if I get any important pieces of paper during the day, they go there.

I also have my keys clipped to the belt loop above the LR pocket,so sometimes they bottom end of the keys get stuffed into the pocket if I don’t want them jingling.

Also, a gerber multitool goes on the belt between the RF and RR pockets.

The hip pocket is either rear pocket,But I usually think of it as the right rear since I don’t keep anything in the left rear.

Ain’t that the sad truth. :mad: I carry a small purse daily, which holds:

[li]wallet (which is fairly small)[/li][li]checkbook[/li][li]change purse[/li][li]allergy pills[/li][li]xanax[/li][li]hand cream[/li][li]hand sanitizer[/li][li]calculator[/li][li]lipstick[/li][li]reading glasses[/li][li]2 pens[/li][li]USB stick in case with a teensy pocket knife[/li][li]shopping list[/li][/ul]

The cell phone and keys are on the desk, and usually attached to my clothing, if there’s a convenient place, or to the purse strap when I’m up and about and have no convenient attachment place.

I also have a large tote bag that I carry to work, with the purse inside, plus my lunch, my mp3 player and accessories, my dayrunner, and whatever else crap I feel like throwing in.

My current shorts have about 8 pockets. Standard front and back on each side, a larger cargo-pants style pocket on each side and a smaller, cell phone sized pocket behind each large pocket.

Right now? Lets see…

Main right front pocket: keys, comb, mechanical pencil, retractable eraser and eye-glasses cleaning cloth.
Main left front pocket: pocket knife, space pen
Left cell phone pocket: cell phone
Right rear pocket: Wallet