What's in your pockets right now?

A ziplock bag containing four pain pills that I’ll take in about fifteen minutes because I got a wisdom tooth removed three days ago.
This oddly heavy gold ring I found on the ground a little bit ago.

Does the inscription read “Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul?”

If so, please return it to me, I must have dropped it.

Wallet is all. I always take my keys out and set them on my desk when I sit down.

Air, I’m wearing my jammies.

Right front - phone
Left front - Wallet, bert’s bees lip balm, vape pen, 1 quarter, 1 dime

I have also been denied pockets because of my gender. Aw, you got fake pockets? Lucky.

Some Kleenex and a shopping list from a trip to the supermarket this morning.

My phone is normally in my pocket, but I’m sitting at my desk, so it’s next to my keyboard.

The usual: wallet, keys, loose change, comb, pen, tin of altoids.



2 dollars and change


Badge (Don’t fuck with me)

Swiss army knife, with keychains attached to it.
Assorted keys, for my apartment, my mom’s house, my bike, and my classroom.
A clean handkerchief.
My phone.
An old floppy-disk case which I’ve repurposed for carrying small things: A book of matches, a couple of band-aids, a few toothpicks, etc.
My wallet (containing assorted bills, coins, and cards).
A Leatherman (actually in a belt pouch, but close enough).
A safety pin.
A thumb drive.
A black pen.
A red pen.
A 15-function utility pen.
A pencil.
Assorted bits of lint.

If you’d asked 15 minutes ago, I’d also have had a hall pass and its holder on my belt.

What? Are you moving or something? As said above, as a girl I have none. Plus the OP is just a bit too nosy. I may be in a WPP for all you know.:wink:

Keys, coins, lip balm, fitness tracker, comb.

I tells ya, I lives an exciting life.

Two small containers of pills (lactase enzyme and loperamide)
Leatherman Ultra
A small tape measure
check book. I just came from the dentist, who gives a discount if you don’t pay by card.
A bigger folding knife
reading glasses
My phone is on the desk in front of the keyboard.

You know you hot chicks are just perpetuating the patriarchy right? :o


LF: keys, emergency asthma inhaler, coins.
RF: lip balm, small Buck pen-knife, hankie, wee cylindrical case for nitroglycerin pills (never needed so far.)
LR: wallet, comb.
RR: cell phone.

ETA: probably not a wise joke to make

[Looks at post #34]
[Looks at Ambivalid]
[blink blink]
Dude. PM that unwisdom to me!

Wish you’d been around this weekend when I was at goodwill looking for a frog suit (long story).

Goodwill worker 1: where do these go? They’re too flimsy for workout shorts
Goodwill worker 2: pajamas
GW1: but they have pockets. Pajamas don’t have pockets.
GW2: pajamas
GW1: pajamas don’t have pockets
Me: ALL my pajamas have pockets
GW1: NONE of mine do
Decided NOT to engage with “well, you must buy crappy pjs then cause who wouldn’t have pjs with pockets” and went about my frog shopping.

But, yeah, all my pjs have pockets. All my pants have pockets, but I mostly wear jeans. Thank god for casual MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday!

Not fair! Not fair…to ask my precious…what it’s got in ts nassty little… pocketses?

Unless they are ‘hot pants’ wearers. Hmmm?

ETA if I ever saw any, I don’t think they had pockets either, maybe if they were daisy dukes.