What's Sanguine feelin' right now?


Hunnybunny will probably come around after a cool down period.
I can totally understand your reaction, though.
WTF would he keep bringing it up during “romp time”? :confused:
If he’s too wound up to see what a great person you are and come running back, we’ve got a little harem going on we’d love to have you in, even if you are an icky spider! :smiley:

Whew, I was hopin’ you weren’t feeling one of them little anal worms makin’ an egg run.

Oh, lieu, stop trying to make me smile… or should I say puke?

That’s just n-ASS-ty.

I spoke to hunnybunny and he told me he didn’t understand why I got so upset when he had wanted me to watch him play Lemmings. Sometimes I’m dense so I wish he would have come right out and said, “Hey, baby… wanna watch me play Lemmings?”. I watch him play other comp games sometimes but again… I’m dense. Normally, I keep quiet while he plays but he thought my remarks about how adorable the lemmings were and my deliriously girlish giggles when the lemmings scream out “YIPPEE!” or fall with a splat sound were cute. Ok, why wouldn’t he have told me this so as not to confuse or upset me? I didn’t know he had wanted me to watch specifically. Sheesh! I still feel very badly about being stupid and I’ll make it up to him as soon as I can.

And what harem???

It all started here.
Feel free to bring hunnybunny and the lemmings. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh my… :eek:
The lemmings are very cooperative, though but still, freaky idea!
Anyhoo, what is the consensus of me buying a rose for my hunnybunny as part of my whole “making things up to him for being a dum-bass” plan? How many fellas like receiving flowers? Please no joke replies, I’m curious.

Flowers are nice, and make you feel like someone thinks you’re special. No matter your gender.

Go for it.

Just don’t send him pansies.

He might look for a double meaning.

:dubious: At least there’s always dead monkey porn.

NoClueBoy… do I really wanna know what the heck you’re speaking of? Dead monkey porn? Ummm, nope, I don’t. I was thinking of roses anyway, pansies seem too cutesy. I want him to know that I feel like a complete jerk, to know how bad I feel for being utterly dense and stupid. I guess my period’s coming because that is the only explanation that makes a looney kinda sense. I love him and I know red roses=romantic love but is there a color of rose that defines the “I’m so sorry” mode?

Blue roses? 'Course you may need to use a little food coloring to get’em blue. Or just tell’em a sad story.

BTW, the bank likes to take my money, it likes to charge a fee for nothing or when I put money into it. Silly bank, fees are for making your customers lives hell, aren’t they?!

I don’t have chills. If I did, I’d have the flu and that’d be bad, oh yes.

I am sanguine. I don’t feel sanguine. I feel weirded out by the weird dream I had that weirded me out, you know?

I’m sick of glitter sticking to me. The shower cannot triumph over the glitter and I don’t understand why.

I missed Casey’s B-day?? I’m sorry. Happy Belated Birthday!!

I no drinky the beer, no no!

Hmm, blue roses… hmmmmm.
And my tooth hurts, F*&%$O#! tooth! :mad: Maybe beer would help this? Other than my tooth, I’m feeling better about the whole love thing. My SO is unusually patient and he’s a keeper! Color me plucky!

SangSpi, doll, go to a drugstore and get some oral anesthetic. Dip a cotton swab in it, lay the swab upside the tooth, and everything’s numb for a while. It doesn’t cure anything, but the pain goes away while you’re waiting for a dentist appointment. Take care.

Yeah, that stuff makes life a lil’ bit bearable but during the night… Oy! My tooth is a rampaging monster of pain seeking out the nerve endings in my neck to toy with and torture.

And I still hate glitter!