OK, the first ten quarters are out. Name you favorite and least favorite.
South Carolina is my favorite among those that have an outline of their state.
But overall favorite has gotta be Virginia. Those ships are beautiful. Quite a lot of depth and detail for coinage, I gotta tell ya.
My least favorite has got to be Maryland. I just don’t get much from their state capitol building. That and the fact that the strong vertical line cutting right through the middle of the quarter cuts into the harmony of the circle (oh my, I’m talking about Feng Shui in coinage :rolleyes: )Maybe I’m missing something.
Connecticut, IMHO. It doesn’t have the state profile, and it seems rather well-balanced – it’s a pretty tree that leaves just the right amount of “white space” on the back of the coin.
Folks in Upstate New York are upset about the upcoming quater for that state – it’s New York City-centric, featuring an image of the Statue of Liberty. Why not Niagara Falls, or an Erie Canal boat, or a bottle of Genesee Cream Ale?
What’ll be on the other state quarters? Some predictions:
Colorado - the Ford Excursion, unless a bigger SUV comes along before then. The quarterm when pressed hard, will play a Kenny G Tune.
New Mexico - a single wide mobile home.
Washington - either the Windows logo or a cup of coffee.
I cannot seem to find a Virginia quarter! They are all hiding. I must say that the New Hampshire quarter’s design of the Old Man of the Mountain is kind of cool.
What kind of horse is that on the Delaware coin? A “Quarter Horse.” Ba-dum-bump.
I don’t think I have seen a VA quarter yet either. I did see a New Hampshire quarter yesterday. Pretty cool. They’ve gotta have the most hard core slogan of any state. “Live free or DIE!”
My favorite so far is the Maryland quarter. I like the tree.
Seconding elmwood’s choice of Connecticut, and for the same reasons: It doesn’t have the state outline (that tactic is pretty unimaginative – c’mon, we know what the state looks like on a map) and the tree is very nice indeed.
Count me as another vote for Virginia. The elegance of the design is very impressive. Second place goes to Connecticut for their lovely tree.
I agree with Gazoo that the New Hampshire is my least favorite so far. There’s something about the design that looks very unbalanced to me … like they shoved everything over to one side. How hard is it to fill up the space on the back of the quarter, for heaven’s sake?
South Dakota: Visit Wall Drug. (That is in SD, right?)
Nevada: Tumbling dice and/or a showgirl.
New Mexico: UFO crashing.
Florida: Alligator eating a tourist.
Michigan: Deer hunter sleeping with three deer staring at him.
I can’t wait for Hawaii. I always wonder if they will ever show the islands in their true proportions, compared to water between them. On most maps they “float” together in an odd way, to save paper, I guess. Of course, they may pick a person, like King Kamehameha as the only image, but it’s not likely.
Connecticut for sure. I may be biased from having lived there for a large portion of my life, but I love the tree. That’s the Charter Oak, by the way. The state charter was hidden inside the tree to keep it out of the hands of the British. I’m sure I’d know more if my elementary school period had taken place in the good old Nutmeg state. Sadly, the Oak is no more, having succumbed to disease some years ago.
Now I live in Virginia, and I guess the ships are OK. There was quite a brouhaha regarding that design, as many of the Native Americans in the area are still pissed about the treatment their ancestors received at the hands of the Jamestown settlers.
I bought me one of those neat blue coin collector folders for my state quarters. I am having a devil of a time locating Denver mint versions here on the East Coast. Perhaps some trades could be arranged, I have a surplus of most of the first ten from the Philadelphia mint . . .