What's The Deal With YouTube Now??????

I just learned this shit, Godammit!

Just click on the thing above embed, then copy and paste!

Now where is it?



I’m, I’m not sure.

Just give me a little more info.

Okay. You used to could do a search on it, and then go to a list of songs on the left and click on the one you wanted, then on the right, there were two boxes. One with just the regular code and right below that, the embed one.

I always chose the top box, highlighted, copied and then pasted here.

Now that whole side’s missing.

Sorry, I thought y’all would know what I meant, because the whole thing just looks so different now, and I figured it must be new.



Yeah, youtube just changed their layout. I haven’t decided yet if I like it. But if all you want to do is post a link to a youtube video all you need to do is go to the address bar and copy YouTube[letters and numbers and junk]

Okay, thanks.

Wish there had been something on there that said, “Hello, Quasi. We knew you’d eventually show up and bust a gut because we changed some things, so here’s what you need to do and all will be well.”

But no. I have to vent to my SDMB buds, who may or may not be able to help, because I’m likely to leave out some salient details, such as what’s actually the matter, which makes y’all go, “What in the fuck is he ranting about now???”

I know y’all say that shit, dontcha?:slight_smile:

That’s okay, I would too, in your shoes.

Thanks, Inner Stickler


It’s under “Share”, which is right under the video. The address of the video comes pre-highlit, so you just ctrl+ and then off to ctrl+v it somewhere.

Don’t worry about it. I got really turned around when I first saw it too.

well, actually…I read your post and then I read it again more slowly.
then I looked down at my dog and said “I have NO idea what he is talking about.”

the dog couldn’t help so I shrugged it off and moved on…

but as you see, I just had to come back and find out what the hell you actually were talking about!
and now I know. thanks!

I just wish they would bring back the Randomize button. :frowning:

All I know is that the Evo or Mevo or whatever it is that sub-shares for some of the videos is AWFUL.
Slow slow slow…what’s the point?

I thought you were going to complain that it has gotten difficult to find a video that isn’t branded and pitching things, and there are now always soundtracks that try to sell you the tune, or other ads. Instead of watching a video you’re trying to get rid of ads blocking the bottom of the little screen.

Seems like one more thing that advertising has crushed the joy out of.