Hey guys, what in your opinion is the manliest weapon???
Dog is man’s best friend, a nice weapon is man’s second best friend. Weapons should be chosen wisely. They can enhance manliness or detract from your manliness!!!
Pepper spray is the least manly weapon. It’s lightweight. It doesn’t make any loud noises. It doesn’t require any advanced training. It cannot destroy anything. They even come in pink!!!
That’s obvious though. To figure out what’s the manliest weapon is a little more difficult. A lot of real weapons have a lot of good things going on for them.
And, please, share any experiences or ancedotes!!!
I’m going with war hammer. I’ve seen depictions of women fighting with swords, axes, all manner of guns, knives, chains, maces, what-have-you but I never see them fighting with a good ole war hammer.
Queue someone digging up a picture now but I did do a half-assed Google Image search which was crippled by “Warhammer” being a popular game franchise so you get a lot of “Warhammer” women without seeing women holding actual war hammers.
I believe the traditional choice is the sword, since it requires both strength and skill to use.
However, discounting any weapon because of perceived cultural incompatibility is a weakness. Weapons should be judged by their utility in the situations where they will be used.
As others have mentioned, dicks of course. A true pissing contest. Nothing beats a powerful stream. Nothing says manly quite so much as whipping it out and going pee wherever.
I really have to go with the two-handed longsword on this one.
The kind you have to wear on your back instead at at your side.
The sharp pointy thing that can take off an immortal’s head.
“There can be only one.”