What's the Official Mod ruling on "Drumpf"?


Selective quoting to “Make a joke” is off limits?

So, if some guy goes on some long discourse about how bad prisons are and how bad his own personal prison experience I’m supposed to quote the whole thing before delivering the punch line?

Seems to me

“…And let me tell you my prison experience sucked…”

after which I post

“serves you right for not using YELP”

makes a bit more sense.

I see that a lot around here. And given that hopefully funny jokes and a bit of well aimed snark is a major feature around here, that seems to be almost contraindicated.

As always, context is important. I didn’t warn the first two times I saw the ‘drumpf’ thing pop up because it seemed more inadvertent than anything else.

Okay, what’s wrong with saying The Democrat Party? I know that their correct name is the Democratic Party. It is certainly incorrect to drop the -ic. But what makes it childish and disrespectful?

Note - I’m not American, I don’t follow American politics. But I’m pretty Liberal, and I’d probably vote Democrat if I lived there.

We have had entire threads on just this topic.

It really comes down to some political commentators using it that way as a means of trivializing the Demcratic Party by mispronouncing the name. Then some members got irritated by it so it got used more and a vicious circle was thereby formed.


I always thought that since “democratic” describes a form of government strongly approved of by most people, lopping off the “ic” in referring to the “Democrat” party is a childish way of attempting to diminish the opposition. It has gotten to be a semi-disease among hard-right Republicans, who would probably be miffed if Democrats and media commentators habitually referred to them as “Repubs”.

Just to prove it’s not just us…

I swear to God by the time November rolls around we’re all going to be ready for Arkham.

A gem from the same article;

One wonders if sending that factoid Trump’s way would lead him to start boasting that he can lay twice as many eggs as that.

Not me. I plan to break out.

Which I do, and I am a lifelong Democrat. Not a Democratic.

People intentionally leaving out the “h” in Whig are the worst.

And here I was thinking people were getting bent because it was the “Demoncrat” party.

Glad I didn’t accidentally write democrat party at some point and get dinged for it.

I had no idea the extension would change the words submitted and not just the text I see and, crucially, with the extension on, I have no way of even finding out that was the case.

I haven’t been hit by this because I haven’t commented in any of those threads but if I did, it would be out of ignorance, not malice. I don’t know what the best way to solve this problem is but it’s not by punishing anyone.

The simplest solution is not to install childish extensions.

Just a thought.

Over the years, I’ve started a couple of threads asking about changes to text in quote boxes. One was about changes made by SpellCheck, and the other about changes made by board software.

For some reason, no moderators saw fit to respond to either question. Any thoughts?

I’m particularly fond of the “Tyson Homosexual” find-and-replace from some right-wing site a few years back.

Corinthians 13:11?

John Oliver? The wanna-be comedian? Are his comedy routines considered political discourse now? It’s not like a professional comedian can be held libel for anything they write, even if it’s a bald-faced lie.

So many things wrong with this.

Let’s see:

  1. John Oliver is a wanna-be comedian in the same way that Peyton Manning is a wanna-be football player. Both of them ARE the things they wanna be.
  2. Comedy routines have been political discourse for thousands of years; Lysistrata wasn’t the first.
  3. “Held libel”? Gah.
  4. Of course he can be sued for libel, of course he can be held liable, for his words, just like anyone else.
    4b) There are no bald-faced lies he’s uttered; he does great research.
  5. WTF does any of this have to do with this thread? If you want to sneer and John Oliver, start a thread for it!