What's the worst thing you (or your SO) has said in anger?

Years ago, I was dating a verbally abusive alcoholic after being married to a physically abusive one.
I knew I had to get out of the relationship and once, in the throes of a nasty argument–I told him he was basically a worthless human being and why didn’t he just kill himself and do everyone a favor.
That was bad–though in my defense, when he got angry with me he would call me a slut–which really hurt, as I had sexual experience and he didn’t .

My SO has called me a bitch once, and told me to fuck off a few times. It was said in anger over a relatively insignificant deal… I forgave him, but I probably won’t forget those incidents.

I told him I’d never trust him again and some other rather mean things a while back as well. This was during a time when we were just friends and not together, though… If that makes it less worse.

That has to be one of the most horrible insults I’ve ever heard. I hope you countered it with something like, “I don’t why I married you. Your d*ck is the size of a pencil eraser.”

Now that I’m reading more of these, more are coming to mind! Maybe that’s not such a good thing. Anyway, one guy I was dating made a not so nice comment about my appearance and when I called him on it he said that most guys would prefer to date someone who looks like J-Lo or Mariah Carrey but they all settle in the end because they just have to learn to accept what’s out there (he was totally serious when he related this to me.) I said that I could understand that because I’d certainly prefer a lot less hair on his back and a lot more on his head but, hey, we all have to settle. :slight_smile:

Ex SO once said, “I was this close to hitting you. Make me mad again and it will happen.” Scary, scary person and my stupid young self didn’t see the warning signs. It didn’t happen but I was almost raped by him so that I would be pregnant and have to marry him. I don’t know how I talked my way out of that one. shudders

My wife once told me (in the heat of battle) that she could easily take the kids and fly to Porter Rico (she’s from there) and just disappear. That nearly crushed me. She has apologized for this and I have forgiven her, but I will never forget.

I once heard a radio prank, where the station calls a guy’s wife, pretending to be a supervisor, and informs her that he’s just been fired. This is going out over the air, and the husband is listening. She presses the supervisor to learn why, and finally, he tells her that the guy was caught doing his secretary on his desk.

Wife goes 5 alarm apeshit postal, screams all sorts of stuff, and concludes with, “…now I don’t feel so bad about f***ing his brother!”

DOH! :eek:

I’m betting that made seating at the next Holiday family dinner a bit touchy.