after a night of heavy drinking with the cast of Jersey Shore, developing acute alcohol poisoning, yet not being taken to the hospital, but listening to them argue about what to do with you while your last moments of precious life slip away…
worse: while still alive, you’re forced to witness your skin used for anthropodermic bibliopegy…
…and the book is by Dan Brown.
Ugh. Not while we’re discussing being skinned alive and sprinkled with salt, please.
There was a teenager in our city helping our with a construction crew for summer break. Somehow there was a severe mis-communication and he was buried alive in hot asphalt.
That would suck, burning, suffocating and bring crushed to death.
Probably. I think it was a discussion about torture I had with friends when we were teens. You can skin pelted animals alive, but human skin is much too thin.

worse: while still alive, you’re forced to witness your skin used for anthropodermic bibliopegy…
…and the book is by Dan Brown.
XD I would actually find that quite fascinating! Though I’d probably be the type, if someone cut a piece off me and ate it in front of me, I’d ask how I tasted.

In a cave, 250ft down and a mile from the entrance … underwater.
Thank you for making me hyperventilate! O_O
In all reality, for me, this would be the very worst way to go.
Being smothered by the fat of a really fat chick would suck.
As far as the “buried alive”- schemes go, being trapped under ice, unable to find the hole as the air in your scuba tank runs out, is a really nasty one that actually happens every once in a while. Diving under ice is a popular sport here up north.
Impalement, à la Vlad Tepes. Gotta be one of the worst ways to go.

XD I would actually find that quite fascinating! Though I’d probably be the type, if someone cut a piece off me and ate it in front of me, I’d ask how I tasted.
very well, since I see you are made of sterner stuff: the flesh of one of your extremites is roasted while you remain alive, as the French did to Suleiman al-Halabi, and you’re made to witness your carbonized bodypart made into a charcoal crayon, and the crayon in turn used to create a drawing…
…and the artist is Thomas Kinkade

I don’t know, can you point out “Go” for me on a map?
It’s right between Mediterranean Avenue and Boardwalk. Everybody knows that
As to the OP, taking a lightning bolt up your ass while making love on top of a hill.

…and the artist is Thomas Kinkade
…and some part of your consciousness remains within the painting, so you stare out at other paintings in a Thomas Kinkade Gallery until the end of time?
Raped, eaten and flayed alive.
Having to spend any time at all in the company of the Jersey Shore cast prior to death of any kind is a close second.
I read in a book about an Indonesian death penalty (Patrick O’Brian novel, no idea if it’s true or not) where a sack half full of ground black pepper is tied around the head of the condemned. Then people start to whack him in the head with sticks.
I can’t be sure but I think I might prefer burning.
Sorry, I should both read and remember the OP by the time I make my post. More in the spirit of the thread, a structural failure while you’re sitting on the toilet at a hotel. The floor collapses and halfway through doing your business you fall into the middle of a packed convention center on live TV.
Being drawn and quartered would be pretty horrific.

I read in a book about an Indonesian death penalty (Patrick O’Brian novel, no idea if it’s true or not) where a sack half full of ground black pepper is tied around the head of the condemned. Then people start to whack him in the head with sticks.
No, I believe they just have the boring old firing squad.
That does, however, sound very much like the actual method prescribed for executing royalty in old Siam, which was to stuff the condemned into a velvet sack and beat him to death with sandalwood, thereby ensuring no royal blood touched the ground. This is how they executed King Taksin in 1782 after he went insane.

very well, since I see you are made of sterner stuff: the flesh of one of your extremites is roasted while you remain alive, as the French did to Suleiman al-Halabi, and you’re made to witness your carbonized bodypart made into a charcoal crayon, and the crayon in turn used to create a drawing…
…and the artist is Thomas Kinkade
The Horror! The Horror!