How does it work? Can I ask any question I want? Okay: What are the three words that end in “gry”?
I doubt anyone noticed I was gone but – now I’m not. This place is like deep-fried chocolate-covered crack and I can’t stay away. What’s the latest Board news? How the heck have all y’all been? Fill a returning Doper in.
“Vacation” was great. Three hots and a cot, an hour a day in the yard, and lots of quality time with a mustachioed woman called “Big Marge.” I’m looking forward to taking a long walk outside, as soon as I find the bolt-cutters to get this ankle bracelet off. In the meantime, I’ll just stroll around here . . .
People giving legal or medical advice based on being fans of Law & Order or Grey’s Anatomy? Check.
People posting what appear to be Wiggum-esque* random neural firings? Check.
People jacking each other off with steel-wool gloves in the Pit? Check.
Aaand . . .
People giving cogent and complete answers to questions I’ve always wondered about? Check.
People updating others on personal issues of interest or concern? Check.
People being witty, sharp, or laugh-out-loud hilarious on a number of topics? Check.
I remember you too.
Didn’t you write a post about you and some deer in Montana?
Seems like you did
I also always enjoyed your spirited responses to the Lawyer questions
Holy shit, Jodi’s back! That rules! Just the other day, I was reading some old thread and realized you hadn’t posted in a long-ass time. I poured some malt liquor on my keyboard in honor of your unnoticed departure. Also, I was drunk.