What's Up With Family Guy?

I notice that The Funniest Show on TV isn’t on the Fox schedule this fall. Yet I’m seeing Fox promos (the “We’re your comedy alternative to the Olympics” campaign) in which Brian figures prominently.

So what’s the deal? Does Fox plan to air it as a midseason replacement for one of their doomed-to-fail new shows? Or will they just show Family Guy willy-nilly whenever they have a hole in their programming? OR, :eek: are they not going to show it at all :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:?

Don’t even JOKE man! Thats NOT FUCKING funny!!!


What an awesome smilie. It’s the first one I have ever been moved to use.

Ten to one some bastard executive didn’t like the show and is trying to ram it into to ground. For example, they were showing all new episodes in April, then during May sweeps, they switched to reruns. Then June comes along, and poof! New episodes. Someone just wants it to fail.

I’m guessing they’re holding it in reserve to put in the place of the inevitable total bomb-out of one of their other shows.

Family Guy has been cancelled.

Do you really think the general population “got it”?

I’ve been sick since I heard it.
