What's your favorite cuss word??

What is your favorite cuss word?

Shit usually works for me, but when all else fails
F*** usually does the trick…
A friend and I were discussing cussing…
she felt it was inappropirate most of the time and I felt
it sometimes is the ONLY appropriate thing to do…


I’m gonna transfer this from IMHO to the BBQ Pit, where it will get all the attention it deserves. :slight_smile:

I was wondering how long it would take before the move. Nice job, Czar.

And now since this is in a forum where I can actually answer, I have to say that “fuckwicket” (thank you, Jarbaby) holds a place of high esteem in the Kitty House. Right next to “Jesus Tapdancing Christ,” which I actually got to say to my ex-boss a few weeks ago (combined with “you bloody ninny”… good thing it was almost my last day at that job…)

Goatfelcher. :smiley:

Absodamnlutely, it’s gotta be horseshit. The world today just presents so many opportunities to use it.
I have to agree though, Jesus Tapdancing Christ just sorta rolls off the tongue.


Cock, cock, cock.

Cocksucker. Cockring. Cock Robin. Cockburn.

Cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock.
I just can’t get enough cock, I guess.

I don’t have just a word, I have a phrase:

“Goddamn dogbreathed mother fuckin’ son of a bitch!”


“GDDBMFSOB” for short.

Yes, it really does roll off the tongue nicely.

My latest favorite is “frell” - thank you, Farscape.

When the brakes in my work truck failed a few years ago, I shouted “Elvis Christ!” just before impact. Walked away uninjured, too.

And “assclown”, courtesy of the SDMB, is handy in traffic. I love this board.

“Cheesedick” and “Fucktard” are some current favorites . . .

No word seems to offend people as much as CUNT does.

Shit and it’s offspring: shitty, shithead, shitass, shitface, shit-for-brains, shiteater, shitwad, shitbird, dogshit, chichenshit, horseshit, cowshit, owlshit, shit-eating-grin, shitsucker, shitlicker, shitmuncher, shite, shitwagon, shitmobile, shitsville, shitsburgh, etc. It really is quite a useful word.

When I need a phrase like Tripler I use:

Goddamn motherfucking chickenshit (son of a)bitch!

I have caught myself using “frell” a time or two, BTW. Farscape is soooo good.

Better yet, “smelly cunt” or “stupid cunt.” Recently I’ve been calling people “stupid cunt” a lot.




“Right, who’s got a boil on his semprini?”


Assholiest of the Assholey
Barbara Streisand
Godless Canadian Bastards! (before/after they beat my Red Wings)

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