Mine is Vernor’s golden ginger ale. “Flavor aged for years in wood”.
NO relation to Canada Dry or Schwepps ginger ales. This one has flavor. Like some “ginger beer” brands.
It’s Detroit’s favorite non-cola, appearing in chain fast food places alongside colas.
Now it’s brewed in a few states, so I think it’s available everywhere in the US and Canada (but it’s often thought of as a mixer, where they bury it in with odd coconut syrups, and overprice it to match them)
Favorites: Stewart’s, especially Cherry Vanilla, Orange, Key Lime, and Cream. Their Ginger Ale is a great concept, though not for me (the last thing I want is spicy soda, but I give them a lot of credit for making it).
Adirondack Orange Citrus Frost. Very hard to find – a dry orange soda.
Vernor’s is great stuff, unfortunately unavailable in NYC. Once UncleBeer schlepped a sixpack all the way from Toledo to Chicago for me, in return for which I presented him with my firstborn.
Has anyone tried Blenheim’s Ginger Ale? It’s a South Carolina product, available by mail order (they advertise in The New Yorker), and some food writers I respect call it the best ginger ale in the civilized world. I’d love to get a Teeming Millions opinion before I plunked down cash money for a case.
Oh, yeah. On the rare occasions I partake of a sody water, I go for Dr. Brown’s fine products…the Cream Soda or the Black Cherry Soda. I don’t do the Cel-Ray Tonic.
No processed suger, lots of taste. Comes in three “strengths”- original, premium and extra. I like the more gingery ones. My favorite substitute when I want a beer and can’t have it. I think they also make that Spiced Apple Brew, as well as a raspberry ginger brew.
The extra ginger brew is quite yummy with a little tequila and OJ!
The only places I’ve ever seen it for sale is on-tap on the Detroit River islands of Belle Isle (at the iceskating pavilion) and Boblo (Canadian amusement park)
Vernor’s is great stuff! It’s been available in western PA since at least the mid '70s. Unfortunately, I think that they changed the recipe. It doesn’t taste nearly as strong now as it used to. I liked it when Vernor’s caused you pain if you inhaled anywhere near the stuff…
Yes. Yes, it is. My grandmother used to give it to us when we had colds. I’ve also proven myself capable of subsisting on 50/50, pickles, and Reese’s peanut butter cups. That was an odd week…
Dr. Pepper (usually the Diet variety) and Mountain Dew.
I’ll second Reality Chuck and Adirondack Soda simply because I used to live on their sodas in college. The Adirondack brand was quite a bit cheaper then the rest of the brands at the time and they made a damn good Root Beer, haven’t had any lately though.