Favorite brand of Ginger Ale

I’m talking about the mass-produced brands and not your
grandma’s secret recipe…basically something available to the masses.

Stewart’s and Reed’s

My all time favorite was Trader Joe’s, before they discontinued it. Now it’s Reeds.


Dude, add Vernor’s to your poll. It’s not complete without it.

“Mass market”: Hansen’s
“Mom and Pop” (but available at some BevMos): Blenheim

Honestly never heard of it, but will look out for it.


Ditto. How is Vernor’s missing from a ginger ale poll?

Vernor’s is my favorite, though there is a cane sugar brand at World Market (I don’t remember the name) that’s also really good when I can find it (like Pig Iron cola it’s not always in, but whenever I see it I buy every bottle).


I believe Jone’s Soda has a cane sugar ginger ale. Or did at some point, IIRC.

I like Canada Dry, with a double shot of Gibson’s finest in it.

I didn’t know Vernors made ginger ale. But I love their root beer so I’d try it.

My favorite ginger ale is Barritts.

I didn’t even know Seagrams made a ginger ale. I like Reed’s.

Vernor’s is okay, but Ale-8-One from Winchester, KY is the best, bar none. I have to get some shipped here once in a while, and I stock up when I go back for a visit.

Gosling’s Ginger Beer or Blenheim. Haven’t had Vernor’s and will check it out.

Vernor’s sucks. AJ Stephans Ginger Beer beats all comers hands down. Then Reed’s Extra and Bundaberg.

Vernor’s is the best ginger ale I’m aware of.

But it and other ginger ales can’t hold a candle to most ginger beers. AJ Stephans has one of the very, very best, as far as I’m concerned. Blenham’s is nice too, as is Reeds extra and Bundaberg.

Old Tyme Ginger beer is nice too, but necessitates a trip to Canada for me to get any.

Came to post this.

Yes, I was voting Vernor’s based on this distinction. I prefer ginger beers, but as far as ginger ales go, Vernor’s is the most gingery of the bunch. It’s also a bit sweeter, too, with a sort of cream soda-like flavor to it, so it’s quite different than the dry ginger ales in the OP. Vernor’s is a “golden” ginger ale, while the rest of the OPs choices are “dry” ginger ales.

I’m curious about Blenheim’s. I’ve never had it, but I’ve heard it’s classified as a golden ginger ale, and that it’s supposed to be really hot, like a ginger beer. That said, I can’t find any definitive line for where ginger ale stops and ginger beer begins, and it seems the terminology is fuzzy.

Of all “major” mass market brands, I find Vernor’s the most repulsive. Maybe it’s the “cream soda” flavor another poster alluded to. Blechh.

I probably couldn’t tell apart Canada Dry from Schweppes’ blindfolded. but they’re both OK. Supermarket house brands tend to be lousy; I suspect that the closest they get to actual ginger is maybe if the bottling plant has a picture of ginger root on the wall as the bottles zoom by.

Canada Dry. I went through a phase in high school where I drank a lot of ginger ale (in part because that was what Capt. Frank Furillo, a recovering alcoholic, always drank on Hill Street Blues), but not so much nowadays.