WHat's your favourite icebreaker

There have probably been a million threads on this but my net-fu is so weak I couldn’t find them. Anyway…

Say you’re in a loud and busy club or bar and a particularly attractive gal or guy catches your eye. What’s your favourite conversation opener/joke/ice breaker? Mine is a little bit silly, but it usually gets a laugh. If I see a girl with a particularly elegant dress I might say something like “Excuse me, I get the feeling we’ve probably got a lot in common. I even have that outfit” and then procede with requisite introductions, small talk, rapport building etc…

So, what’s yours?

I am not a bar person, but in the Mommy-Woman world: I like your purse. Whereja get it? works every time.

Probably USCGC Glacier, it’s the red hull I guess.

If eye contact and smiles have already been exchanged, then a simple “Hi, how are you?” suffices.

If it’s on a scale of one to one it’s not a model, is it now?

I prefer the Arktika class; Arktika herself.
It’s just hard to go wrong with nuclear power!

I like a good ice pick.

Oh… wait.

No, never mind. I’ll stay with ice pick.

Back before I was married, I had great success with:

“Hi, my name is Live.” Then I’d lick my eyebrows.

“What’s your favorite …?” threads belong in In My Humble Opinion.

I’ll move this for you.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB

Does that line really work?

I like the old standard, stolen from Dennis Miller…

Nice shoes. Wanna fuck?

“Would you like to dance?” has been my standard for lo, these many decades. It seldom fails. :wink:

“How’s your night going?”

 if followed by "Great, how's yours!" then continue

 if followed by "Fine thanks." then walk away

Seemed to work pretty well back when I was single. :slight_smile:

Not that I’ve had occasion to use it, but I’ve liked this one since I first heard it:

“Hey, do you know how much a polar bear weighs?”

<insert response here>

“Enough to break the ice.”

A hammerfist strike.

Or Denis Leary’s:

Wanna fuck, or do I owe you an apology?

I just announce to the room:

Alright, I’m here now, the party can get started.

I’ve never used this one but a friend does and I think it’s brilliant. Go up to your target and say “You look really familiar. How do I know you?” Puts the guy (or gal) at ease 'cause they assume you’re an aquaintance and they start mentioning all the places they hang out and activities they do so you have an instant conversation.

“Look at that. I’m thirsty, and you have your wallet out. It’s like we were made for each other!” :smiley:

Best Line I have heard:
Guy: Can I buy you a drink?
Gal: No thanks, I have a drink.
Guy: Then can I buy you a lexus?