What's Your Homepage?

Because with Safari you can open other tabs and go to websites while your homepage is loading (your homepage becomes the first tab) if you want.:smiley:

Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Documents and Google Music.

Calendar and Documents get closed after reviewing them. Gmail and Music stay open for as long as my computer is turned on.

I don’t see what the point is in going directly to Google.com. Both Firefox and Chrome can be set to search Google directly from the main address bar.

These days using Opera, it’s the quickdial page. Very useful. Other browsers I’ll point to google.

At home, it’s Google. No advanced settings or iGoogle, just plain old Google.

At work, it’s the agency’s intranet page and I have no control over it.


Fark and the SD open in one browser in two tabs.

The Dope.

I have made bookmarks (keyword searches) for various search engines to go with the address bar, so I rarely go to the front pages of, say, Google or Wikipedia. If I hadn’t done that it would probably be one of those two.


It used to be iGoogle with all the little custom widgets and things but I realized that I never really looked at any of that shit.

Okay now I have to change mine. I’ve had about:tabs for a while now and I love not presupposing what I want.

Standard Google.

Don’t most people have the google search bar thing in their browser? Seems kinda silly to have google as your homepage if you don’t need it to initialize a search.

I have been using myYahoo for a long time. I have it set up with various news feeds, my investments, and my primary email address is a Yahoo address. I guess this makes me as old as John Mace.


Google on my main browser and the SDMB homepage on my secondary one.

Well I can do that with Chrome or Firefox, too, but the point is–what are the chances that the “home” page is one I want to load at all in any given session? It’s much better for me to just have it open a blank page.

It was Google. It is now Bing.

I’m either an iconoclast or an anachronism having the NYT as my home page. I like to get a fast glance at weather and world news when I open my browser, and I have the Google toolbar installed with favorites right there, so I can search or go to the Dope, mail, wherever with one click.

I just searched and can’t find an example of Google’s actual home page. Is it just the blank-looking page with the search box in the middle, or is it an actual news page that you can customize?

Mozilla Google - that way I never see the ever-changing Google logo, it’s the same every day.

That’s the same as my 67 year old and very foreign mother.

I use a news page so I can see if the world has ended since I went to bed. Right now it’s http://news.yahoo.com/ . Sometimes I use the Google news page.