What's your Xmas 'tree'?

I’ve just discovered that my 12 bottle metal wine rack makes a marvellous Xmas tree.

With all the sparkly lights and some well-hung balls, I’ve gotta say it is an improvement on my real one of years past!

And I won’t have to vacuum up pine-needles for the next 6 months either!!


I have a little USB Christmas tree that I plug into my laptop.

I still have to buy it. But according to family tradition, Christmas decorations must be installed before sundown on Dec 24 and boxed away on Jan 7th, so I’m not late.

I’m just going to use an oval plate or low basket, whichever one I find first or like best. I have several appropiate ones “back home” but forgot to bring one over, dangit.

Mine looked like yard waste from the desert-- a big bunch of dead mesquite and creosote branches. Ornaments and twinkly lights fixed it right up. Looks really cool, now. :slight_smile:

We’re not very edgy or cool, here. Ours is a picturesque 6.5 foot Frasier Fir. It’s fresh (or was when we purchased it a week ago), and now stands complete with our family collection of ornaments dating back to my childhood.

I’ve got the well-hung balls, but I refuse to put install lights! :smiley:

Actually, we have a little 24" Douglas Fir in a pot, decorated with Mardi Gras beads and Cow ornaments.

I have a 24" pre-lit plastic jobby that’s in my front window, serving both as my tree and my outdoor christmas decorations. It’s got my measly 5 ornaments on it.

But I also put some really blah-looking felt bear ornaments on my fake ficus tree. I call it the “Ethel tree” after my late grandma who both bought the bear ornaments and was famously tacky. Someone suggested that I add lights to the ficus as well but I’ve decided that’d be too classy and ruin the mood.

I have a small house. Tiny. I’m also not Christian…

But I have always loved lights. I decorate the outside of my house with a lot of lights.

I do like Christmas trees, too. If someone stays with me over the holidays, I’ll get a hinoki cypress, place it on a table, and decorate it. After Xmas, I plant it in the yard.

About 10 years ago I did this…I accidentally bought a dwarf hinoki cypress. And planted it on the north side of my house where it never gets daylight.

For anyone who doesn’t know, hinoki cypresses are pretty damned slow growing. And this is a dwarf.

Ten years later and it’s almost up to my waist!

My husband and I aren’t Christian, but I was raised celebrating Christmas and have translated that into a Solstice/Pagan themed celebration (renewal, rebirth, light, life). This year I decorated my houseplants . Came out rather nicely, I think!

I, too, have decided that I live in the 21st century, and have given up old-fashioned wood in favor of plastic. And fiber optics. My 24" fibop tree stands on a little table that’s unviewable to me from pretty much everywhere I sit in my apartment.

I’ve got a small ~18" tree made out of twigs that I got from 10,000 Villages. I painted tiny wooden stars for the ornaments, as well as using jute angels these, but separate, not in a garland, from 10,000 Villages. My tiny nativity set sits under it.

This is a thread that just BEGS for photos!

I especially want to see those well-hung balls!

We have a very small house, on purpose.

Year before last, I decorated a humongous hanging philodendren.

Last year, I had a white tree inside in front of the window, purple theme, tinsel and all. Ugh. What a mess.

This year, a different fake tree went outside to the porch, feline friendly ornaments, and no tinsel.

We have a big ball of ivy (it was the most christmassy thing we could find and easily remove from the park) decorated with socks, tin foil, and a pair of light up earrings.

It’s a tree, with bonus baby-proof fencing.
And no, that’s not our daughter laying on the floor in the lower right.

For a moment I pictured old sweat socks :eek: