Whedon for Firefly returning to TV

I’m surprised this isn’t already open and being discussed but I saw it on Digg and thought I’d make sure it made it’s way here, in an interview with Empire magazine Whedon says he would be for bringing the beloved Firefly back to tv. Perhaps the Browncoats will win this war?


wanders off humming “Hero of Canton”

“What was I going to call it? ‘Big Smash Bang With Boobies’? Which was, of course my second choice.” :smiley:
We will win in the end. Dong ma?

Well, he’s not saying it’s going to be returning to TV, or even that he’s talking to someone about maybe bringing it back. He’s just saying that he’d love to bring it back if a network wanted to pay the money to put it on the air. In other words, it’s not much better news than if he’d said “well, I suppose anything’s possible…”. :frowning:

After seeing Serenity I don’t really care for them to bring it back as a series. I enjoyed Firefly well enough but when it got to the motion picture suddenly the violence became a lot more cartoony in a Buffy/Angel kind of way. I don’t feel like being disappointed again so I’d rather be left with my good memories of the series.


In the linked artcle, Joss kinda looks like Conan O’Brien if Conan were to sleep nestled in abox of plutonium.

"Please elaborate, " he asked in a friendly, non confrontational nor judgmental manner, “for those of us who haven’t watched ‘Buffy’.” :slight_smile:

I really liked the movie (though I agree that basically having River turn into Buffy for five minutes towards the end was rather jarring).

That said I think that the movie was good partly because it felt like a good ending to the series. It would be difficult to make a decent revisit to the series that took place afterwards.

So they had 14 good episodes and a good movie. That’s better then most, far longer lived franchises do. I’m happy with it.

:dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious:

In Buffy the fights were fairly acrobatic almost like they came out of an old Kung-Fu movie. While there’s nothing wrong with that they had already established a more down to earth fighting style in the series. The fight scenes involving River and the Agent just seemed ridiculously over the top, especially the ones with River. I just about groaned when the Agent clothes lined his opponent and in the same fluid motion ended it with a pile driver. I also though the two big fight scenes between River and multiple opponents was pretty cheesey. I know these people were suppose to be awesome assassins and all that but it still looked like a cartoon to me.

I didn’t post on this thread to piss all over Serenity or Firefly. I loved Firefly but I was disappointed in Serenity though I still enjoyed it. I’d just rather keep my good memories of Firefly rather then see it ruined by going in the same direction as the movie.


So, wanna get a beer?


You mean like the scene where River goes Psychic Gunman to save her and Kaylee?

That also annoyed me, but it wasn’t a major plot item, and she didn’t kill fifty guys with firearms larger than her (she?) with a blunt object without being shot.

I thought it was Jayne that did that, in the bar fight.

Me, I loved the movie. I thought it was a great end for the series.

It was Jayne. That was probably my least favorite moment of the movie. That would have been out of place and completely unbelievable even in a *Buffy *or *Angel *fight scene.

Fight scene style isn’t enough to pull me out of a movie, especially one like Serenity, where the characters, dialogue, and story are the reasons I enjoy them. Fight scenes are just a bonus.

As for River the Reaver Slayer… whatever, man. That one-shot of her fighting the Reavers kicked ass! :smiley:

Remember how exceptional that was at the time and how Jayne said, “That’s impossible?” Mal gets shot or stabbed in Firefly and he’s doing pretty bad but when he gets run through with a blade in Serenity he’s doing just peachy. So yeah, we’ve got that example of River going psychic gunman but it stands in sharp contrast to the rest of the violence on the program. In my opinion it just got very silly when River beat up everyone in the bar and then killed all those Reavers alone.


Oh yeah, maybe that was him. Even more silliness then.
