When did you first

I noticed a few references to losing one’s virginity later in life during the “Confessions” thread. So 'fess up, everyone. How old were you, what was the person’s first name, and what were the extenuating circumstances? Since I started the thread, I’ll go first:

I was 20 years old (As Eddie Izzard said, “That’s not cool at all. But I’ve done it since then.”). Her name was Stacey. We’d dated for over two years when we slept together for the first time. It was mainly a last-ditch effort to breathe new life into a dying relationship. We limped (no jokes, please…:p) along for another several months, but ended up splitting up.

Jill (no not that Jill).

Alright, I share the humiliation:

I was 19, his name was Roger (no, really), and he was a co-worker in the restaurant where I worked. We had been spending a fair bit of time together in the weeks preceeding the night in question. I wasn’t really in love with him or anything, but I did like him a fair bit, and was very attracted to him. I was tired of being a virgin, tired of losing boyfriends because of it (I know, not the right reasons) so I decided what the hell.

Well, I go into work the day after only to find out that Roger quit, and was moving out of the city! The bastard never told me that! In fact, I don’t think I did see him again … I don’t think I was that bad for all it was my first time.

A couple weeks later I started seeing a wonderful man and we were together for almost a year. I consider him my first. We are still friends over ten years later.

16 years and 19 days
6 month relationship to that point; we lasted another 5 months. Regret? Nah. I regret other things more.

I was 13.
I was blitzed.
One of the biggest regrets of my life.
[sub]I probably shouldn’t even reply to this thread, but… whatever… [/sub]

I was 13.
She was 12.
It was my first time (duh).
It was not her first time.
It was clumsy.
I didn’t do it again for another 6 years.
While I don’t regret it, if I had it to do over (so to speak) I probably wouldn’t.

I was 19.

Ron was the guy’s name. We had been dating for about 2 years. The relationship ended about 2 years later, when I finally accepted the fact that he was, in fact, a jerk. Yep, took me 4 whole years to figure it out! He was a fun person to be around as a friend, and we were very attracted to each other, but he was way too self-centered and needy when it came to having any type of serious relationship with someone. He got married a year after we broke up. The marriage lasted about the same time our relationship did. I always found that interesting.

The only regret was that I passed up dating some other cool people to stay with him.

I was nearly 30 and I was newly married. I’d made the decision to wait when I was a teen, and looking back on the various and sundry men from my past, it was definitely the correct decision.

Our 18th anniversary is this year…

I was 17. I don’t know her name. To her, my name was John.

That’s right, my best friend’s uncle took four of us to the whore house in the near-by town. (I grew up in a small farm community).

Gee, I wonder how that’s affected me as an adult?

I was 15, his name was Jimmy. Second date - in his car. Plenty of regrets…

I was 23 and had just gotten married.
Yup, first one was my husband.
Celebrating 10 years in September.

me: 22, senior year of college
her: Nyani, 19, freshman (her first time, too)

She got in my bed, grabbed me by the shirt collar and pulled me down on top of her. We were both completely sober.

No regrets whatsoever for either of us.


June 18, 1990

I was 18, Alex was 16. We had been going steady for 11 months. I remember the date because it was the year I graduated from high school, and my mom’s birthday. Alex and I were at a friend’s open house and talked about what would happen when I went away to school (Ball State, about 3 hours from home). We got all sad, and decided to “do it” to show that we would remain together after I left.

It was awkward, sweet, and wonderful. We were each other’s first and I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

Took me 19 years. . .

I conveniently lied to my folks about where I was going, and she and I went a campin’. Kinda nice by the fire, and we were completely sober, I regret it only that I wish I could have done it first with someone else.

Oh well, hindsight is 20-20.

And it wasn’t just the coyotes that were howling. . .

I was 19. Freshman year of college. He was, and still is, my best friend. He’s also gay, but that’s another story. No regrets whatsoever. I’m truly glad it was him, as messed up as our relationship was.

May 24th, 1991 around 11:00 p.m. with my then not yet girlfriend later wife, and still later…ex wife.

She was suitably impressed to the point where she did not believe it was my first time :slight_smile: It took a little convincing…

I was 21.

I was 14. No regrets at all. I know that’s pretty young - but I grew up in the country, and it seems that farm kids start gettin’ busy a few years earlier than their urban cousins. Anyone else notice that?

I was 17, she was 17/18. Her name was Maria, and it was not her first time.

We never did it again.

Other than it being my first time, it was not particularly memorable, although I didn’t disgrace myself :slight_smile:

I was 21.
Her name was Theresa.

I’d been in a relationship with a woman for five years, and (obviously) we weren’t having sex. Despite other offers, I remained faithful to her. And then she dumped me. I’m both pissed off that I passed up opportunities to lose my virginity and completely emotionally trashed. So a pal of mine decides he’s going to drag me off on a ski trip to take my mind off her.

We borrow my parents’ car and go to Reno, and end up having a few drinks at a strip club (just sodas for me, I was driving) and decide, in our hormone-addled state, that we ought to visit the nearby Mustang Ranch, just to check it out. (this is after I inadvertently proposed to one of the dancers, but that’s another story) But we don’t know how to get there. Being geeks, we think “What would we do if we were characters in a role-playing game? I know…let’s ask a cab driver!”

So we find a cab, and as we’re approaching the cabbie I tell my friend, “Look, don’t be crude here…y’know, don’t embarass me.” He assures me that he won’t, and asks the cabbie “We were just at a strip club and were trying to find something more…hands-on.” The cabbie interrupts and says “Ya mean Pussy?” Since then, when looking for the right word, we jokingly say “How would a cabbie put it?”

Anyway, he gives us directions to the Mustang, and tells us about the best way to pick a prostitute, etc, but suggests we go instead to the Old Bridge Ranch, just down the road from the Mustang. (Apparently he goes to these places a lot) So we drive on out, visit the sterile and antiseptic Mustang, and proceed to the Old Bridge Ranch. It has a much cozier atmosphere, and we hang out for a while. Finally, one woman says to me, “Look, are you going to do it or not? Come back to a room and let’s talk about it.”

So I went, and, well, it was like 2am by then, and I was not exactly a tower of iron will, so we ended up getting down to business. I’m not sure how long we went, but my friend said “I was waiting long enough that I got tired of having beautiful half-naked women hit on me.” It definitely helped drive the demons of my first GF away.

I don’t have any regrets, although I might have if I hadn’t found the handful of Old Bridge Ranch matchbooks my friend scattered around the car before I returned it to my parents.

Sorry about the long and somewhat digressive post, but it’s such a silly story I love telling it.

He was a totally hot 25-year-old, built like a dream, drove a Porsche (and let me drive it, too) and I lusted after him almost to the exclusion of anything else. My mom, naturally, disapproved of him. So I’d sneak over to his place regularly and within two months I entered the ranks of the sexually active. We never developed a real relationship, but for two years the sex was often and fantastic. No regrets.