When I die, and go to Hell,

as I probably will for posting on Shabbes, there will be a Miniature Sheltie in the next cubicle, cell, whatever the accomodations are, picking up and dropping a kong…up…and drop…and up…THUNK. THUNK. THUNK.

please make it stop.

You could always become reformed. :slight_smile:

Hell lite. Wait until the cat finds the ping pong ball in the bathtub at 3AM.

Ahh, the Kong.

My dog, a lab/pit mix almost took out the coffee table and the tv with hers. Wonderful toy…

Been there, done that. Well, a pecan anyway. Heck, you’re from around here…

With mine it’s the crackly seal off the top of the sour cream or cottage cheese, which is carried to the side of the bed and chewed on. Sounds like little bones being crunched.