When will the Christmas commercials end?

I notice Infiniti is still running it’s Christmas themed commercial (“Santa Claus is coming to town”). Other companies are also hanging on with the ho-ho-ho’s. I’m wondering, how far into 2015 will a company continue with holiday cheer-themed commercials?

Post here when you still see Santa selling crap on TV.

I like em…keep em airing.

I hate how early they start, but am glad when they keep going past Christmas Day. The way they used to just abruptly stop gave me withdrawal.

If they would just stop with the goddamned relentless car ads, I’d be fine with it.

It’s not officially the new year until the Activia and tax prep ads go into heavy rotation.

I’ve been seeing the tax ads for a week or two.

Well, technically, Christmas doesn’t end until January 6th :).

Thanks, ISiddiqui, I was going to say the same thing. It ain’t over until the twelve drummers drum.

The various weight loss systems are more frequently advertised, too. And fitness equipment - you know, those things you drape your clothing on a few weeks after you buy it! :smiley: