When's the last time you cried?

Saw “Les Miserables.” Cried like a baby. Again.


I think it was about 4 years ago. It was kind of forced though.

About 2 weeks ago. Relationships, self pity and drink is a potent mix. I was disgusted with myself by the morning, especially about the self pity.

just now, when i finished reading YWalker’s post on pepperlandgirl’s thread about why would anyone want to have kids?

Last night, at the bottom of the ninth inning. I cried tears of joy.

Can’t remember…

Lorna! Oh my god!! I saw the title of this thread “When’s the last time you cried” and clicked to read it and reply to it because MY answer was “last week when I saw Riding In Cars With Boys”
I cried a little during the movie (the scene where she kicks her husband out and her son runs outside, etc), but the kicker was at the end when she’s in the car with her dad and they start singing. My friend and I both started sniffling, then it just progressed until we were both crying by the time the credits rolled. It was so bad the dude in front of us (whom we didn’t know), looked back at us and handed us napkins for tissues. Ah, we’re such saps! :wink:

Lorna! Oh my god!! I saw the title of this thread “When’s the last time you cried” and clicked to read it and reply to it because MY answer was “last week when I saw Riding In Cars With Boys”
I cried a little during the movie (the scene where she kicks her husband out and her son runs outside, etc), but the kicker was at the end when she’s in the car with her dad and they start singing. My friend and I both started sniffling, then it just progressed until we were both crying by the time the credits rolled. It was so bad the dude in front of us (whom we didn’t know), looked back at us and handed us napkins for tissues. Ah, we’re such saps! :wink:

ACK! stupid stupid double post…<mumble mumble curse>

A couple days ago. Relationship stuff and self-pity.

Lorie– Oh, it was a sad, sad movie. The end was just yanking on those old heartstrings; I couldn’t help but let the tears come on rolling. In fact, the whole thing was so sad that even the happy parts made me cry.


I was close to getting weepy yesterday during “Monsters, Inc.” The last real cry was a week and a half ago during a rather painful phone conversation.

The last time I remember crying was a few years ago, watching the film “The Cruicible.” Daniel Day-Lewis plays the same trick in every movie – he spends 1:30 of it weathering the most terrible hardships with no apparent negative effects so that the character is established as supremely phlegmatic. Then, at the climax, he bursts into tears and you think “Man, if this guy is crying, you know it’s bad news!”

I have a vague sensation that I cried at something else I saw on TV more recently, but I don’t recall what it was.


Two nights ago. With my boyfriend, lying in bed, just after sex. Holding him, after such an incredibly beautiful experience, realizing how much we love each other, knowing that I’ve finally found the right man to love, after having given up the search, knowing that he understood how I felt, I cried. And he held me. And I’ve never been happier.


Every Sunday for the past year, in fact.

In church, during a portion of the Episcopalian service, we offer “prayers for the people”. Part of that is to offer prayers for those who have died.

Makes me think of my daughter who died on Oct 6th 2000, at three days old. She’s the twin sister of my son who, at 13months old, is doing FANTASTIC, thankyousoverytoomuch!

I have to ammend my previous statement…
I’m crying now.


Sigh Yesterday. I was listening to the “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” soundtrack and thinking about my son who is experiencing an emotional upheaval right now. “I Am Weary (Let Me Rest)” came on and I burst into tears. My son is too old and has problems too tough for Mommy to make things all better these days. Sigh

I cried this week when I found out my kid had been knocked to the ground by bullies. They snuck up behind to steal his books for a stupid game of keep-away. The books were trashed, and he has scrapes and bruises all over. The bullies will be disciplined, but not expelled, and I know they will make more kids suffer within days.

October 18, pretty much the whole damned day, and quite a bit of the two days before that, because we had to put my dog Spanky to sleep.

Two weeks ago (it was Thursday of the week before last week, if you are reading this in the future, please disregard this as it will make no sense whatever.Thankyou) My boyfriend and me were on the tube train (in London! on the Northern Line!) and I was quietly singing Steeleye Span songs to myself (my Johnny was a shoemaker to be exact)and he told me to shut up because I was embarrassing him. I cried and called him a pig. He said he was sorry. Then we went and cuddled and kissed in the car park. The world did not end. Apparantly it is still here.

So that is the last time I cried. When I was a kid I once had a baloon and an older kid popped it. I swore I would never cry again. That resolution lasted about two days as I recall…wistful nostalgia

(actually it might sound trivial, the story of when I last cried, but it really really hurt at the time, I was urinated off at him for about a week and a half afterwards!-wow reading all the other people in this thread I sound so superficial! sorry 'bout that!)

I’ve cried, or at least teared up, three times or so in the past six months (what a SISSY!). Twice when being dumped by women I truly cared about, and once on 9/11 when the members of congress, looking frazzled and weary and confused, but united, sang God Bless America.