Where can I buy creme de almond?

So I’m listening to Donald Fagen’s Nightfly album and in the song “The Goodbye Look”, the protagonist asks a bartender to pour him a Cuban Breeze. Seeing as how I’d never had one and thought it sounded good, I went online for a recipe. Recipe after recipe calls for “creme de almond”, but strangely enough I can’t find a source for it either online or at the two liquor stores I visited this evening. Does anybody know who makes this stuff and/or perhaps where I could find or order a bottle ?


I’m surprised you weren’t able to find it at a package liquor store. Admittedly it may not be a big “mover”, but most reputable package stores should have at least a half-dozen bottles available.

I’ve seen it sold under both the “DeKuyper” and “Bols” brand-names. Sometimes it’s called “Creme de Noyaux”.

If all else fails, use “Amaretto”… it’s just a more pretentious, Italian form of Creme de Almond/Noyaux" :wink:

This site is selling Dekuyper creme de almond online.

Great! Thank you both.

Btw, Barely Adequate, the stores did have (and one suggested I try) Creme de Noyaux, but I wasn’t sure if it was the same thing.

And delicious! It’s what I use in my cheesecakes. I’m always surprised when things like Creme de Menthe aren’t actually creamy.