Where can I buy the final season 6 of 'Lost' on DVD

It doesn’t seem to be available anywhere! We have purchased seasons 1-5 on Amazon, but there is no DVD available for American DVD players, or it’s on Blue Ray or on VOD. All we want is the DVD version for 'Murica of season 6. Any idea where I can buy this? And WHY is it unavailable??

Best Buy seems to have it:


Thank you, I called and ordered it from Best Buy today. Should be here by Sept. 18 and as long as it plays on a 'Murican machine, I will be happy.

I had the same difficulty buying it in the UK a year or so back. Didn’t want to pay full price (£50 at the time) so kept looking in the second hand shops. Eventually found it, but my feeling was that people bought the first one/two/three series before giving up. So they didn’t print as many series 5/6 DVD sets as no-one bought them hence no used copies around. I mean a few die-hard fans bought all six series but not the casual viewer.

Don’t forget about Ebay.