I’m sitting here in work. Logged on, and listening to Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
I open the SDMB and read what happened.
I went numb.
I’ll never be able to listen to that song again without it reminding me.
Anyway, I would like to propose that we take some of the Best Wally Threads, Archive them, lock them and put a permanent link to them on the Homepage.
That way, newbies can see just what he meant to us.
I know it sounds like an awful cliché (because it is), but I think things will pretty much continue the way they always have. Wally will be missed - beyond belief. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have any fun any more. Au contraire, I’d say. Another cliché: Wally would have wanted us to have fun and keep laughing. That’s one statement I’m willing to bet good money on.
I’m all for a Wally archive as well. Some other suggestions have been made in other threads:
Renaming MPSIMS. Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Frankly, Wally would be embarrassed about it, I think.
Changing Wally’s status from “Member” to something else. May work. Somebody mentioned “Friend”, which might work. Also, “PutzMeister” is still vacant
I just don’t think I’m going to be able to be funny and smart-assed for a while.
I was going to have bowling and karaoke for my upcoming 1000th post party (probably will make it by this weekend), but the thought holds no appeal now, without the Wallmeister there to drop the bowling ball on his toe.
Eventually, the pall cast over this board will start to dissipate. That’s not much comfort now.
Upon reflection after a lousy night of sleep …
Wally will be remembered by thousands of people with smiles and happy thoughts. We should all be so lucky to leave such a legacy.
Coldfire, I just sent a request to you for your authorization to add you to my ICQ list. My ICQ handle is Cat ^…^, so you’ll recognize me when you get it. Thank you.
I too am at work, numb. Trying to remain dry-eyed so I dont have to explain to the office why I am crying over a man I never met.
Chat last night was the saddest thing I ever saw. I popped in, and trhe topic said: in memory of Wally. Horrified ( I thought they meant because he was hurt, and had it worded wrong) I asked : Is he dead?
To my absolute horror, they said yes.
I havnt cried like that since I got the news that moms cancer was inoperable.
It is in our nature to need details: How could a fall at work kill a man?
To offer help: we are all so desperate to help, to do SOMETHING, anything to help… our heart are breaking for his family.
Please remember, as I try to, that before Wally’s surgery, we sent him our feelings, he KNEW we loved him. He really did. And as crass as this may sound, while was hurt, I am certain he thought about what a great thread this was gonna make.
I feel close to this place right now, it is so full of wally-ness, I need to be here.
Where else in the world could a cranky old man from canada, turn on the computer and become the most beloved, and famous of people… a household word for thousands? He is the Elvis of cyberspace. I am sure he got a real thrill from the attention here, I know we helped make him happy.
Wally said my singing made dogs howl. I hope there are oldies stations in heaven so the putz has to hear my songs whether he wants to or not!
Things will never quite be the same without him on the straightdope. But I am willing to bet that Wally would not want us to morn his passing for too long. He would just want us to remember him in the most respectful manner possible. And I can safely say that I am going to do that.
I’ve been in some pleasantly heated debates lately, here and on Opal’s board, but I just don’t have the heart for it today.
Too bad we can’t have a big wake for Wally. Drink a lot, cry, tell funny Wally stories.
As far as I can tell, his last post was Sunday afternoon, on this thread. Seems unfair and unreal that he should have been his usual wickedly funny self just a few days ago, and gone now.