If you look here, you’ll see what a great guy Wally was. This is my most recent favorite Wally thread. He also came around, kind of, eventually, to my way of thinking on smilies, too.
But in my opinion, what made him stand head and shoulders above most posters was he could take as good and he could give.
Chief, check your email when you get a chance. I don’t know how long email takes to get to your address, but if you don’t have something from me soon, let me know and I’ll resend it, ok?
I think everyone knows how I feel about Wally’s participation in my Great Straight Dope Smoke-Out threads. Those will always be the ones I remember him most fondly for, for those are the ones that brought us together as friends. They showed him for the compassionate, loving, caring and giving person that he was. I will always love him for what he did for me. Always.
May his soul rest in peace. Heaven has one more angel in its midst.
Oh, damn, Chief, it’s probably the perfect way to remember Wally, but it’s damned hard to laugh and cry at the same time. So glad he was here at all; so stunned he won’t be anymore.
Well, the “Wally Tries Cybersex” is definitely a classic. I don’t remember every post and thread, but I do remember that I would light up whenever I saw that Wally had posted something. It was always intelligent and witty.
I cannot even count the number of times that Wally’s posts would completely lighten my mood. Usually, Wally made me laugh so hard that I would cry. Now, I’m just crying.
And I have to chime in with Shayna: What Wally did over in the Smoke Out thread was amazing and I will never forget it. I owe much of my success in quitting to Wally. He helped to coach me into stopping a horrible habit.
I am just so stunned that he is gone. I am having a hard time even believing it…
Thanks Chief, I had never read the post about Wally trying cybersex before, I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.
Until I read that, my favorite was the gerbil massacre, but I think this beats them all. I even printed it out, so my friends at work can read it. Absolutely priceless.
I don’t really know why I did this, and I certainly hope nobody is upset by it. Perhaps it’s just a reflection of how people deal with things - in my case, I guess it’s “Oh, I’ve got a job to do, I’ll go look it up!” Or, whatever.
One half of my family is given to a wake of the sort with which I hope they honor my ultimate passing; a gathering that includes memories, each other, some siffles, some humor, lots of food and a bit or more of the sauce. So, I’m guessing Wally wouldn’t be too upset if the memories and the tequila came out. Following are, as well as I can tell, the threads containing Wally’s first and final posts. Memory? He got me for a sawbuck on Snopes’ board once; it was quite funny. H-e-ere’s Wally!
When I became engaged, Wally posted both to my thread I started here and in Fathom about it. Both threads were almost obscenely flattering, but damn funny, too. I printed out both threads for a keepsake book a while back, and his words remain my favorite. I hope you don’t mind my sharing these.
Wally, you PUTZ. I love you.
His post in Fathom:
Of course…any of his other threads–the cybersex, the cop, the putzes–are my favorites as well. He’s just one of my favorite posters.
I will be printing out the “Wally Tries Cybersex!” thread this evening. Though I suppose, when I share it with my friends and they are wetting themselves over its hilarity, they might wonder why I am only able to muster a feeble smile.
Um, . . . can I make a suggestion and not come off as too mawkish? (probably not, but here goes . . . )
Can we rename MPSIMS in memoriam of Wally? Maybe something like WallySIMS or just The Wally? (Yes, I’m lame at names.) I don’t think it’s outrageous to say that Wally personified the best of MPSIMS. Well, that or the Pit, since he was so good at flaming.
I just read the Wally tries Cybersex thread, and I am SO glad I was not reading it at work.
My co-workers would have called the men in white coats to haul away their crazy co-worker, who is rolling around on the floor, alternately laughing hysterically and crying in grief.
I miss him more than ever-the world has lost a great and truly funny man!