My brother is a 20yr old college student. He flunked out of a local college because he quit attending classes in favor of sleeping all day and doing whatever all night. He was diagnosed with having clinical depression and is on his second flavor of antidepressants. Now he’s living with the folks, working and attending community college. He claims the meds are starting to kick in (he’s been on this variety for 2.5 months now).
On the face of things, it sounds like things are turning around, and maybe they are. Our mother, however, complains that the only reason he is making any progress is because she’s around to nag him constantly to do things like wake up, go to work, go to class, go to bed, get the meds refilled, etc. When she does not do this, he tends to forget to go to work, fail to attend classes, and stay up all night.
I told her to stop doing these things and let him be responsible for himself. He’s a big boy and old enough to live with the consequences of his actions or lack thereof. The problem as I see it is that there are no consequences. Flunk out of school? Live with mom and dad. Lose your job? Whatever. They gave him a car, pay his car insurance and gas, and expect no payment for him to live with them.
I say tough love is way overdue, but my mom is reluctant because of the depression. She doesn’t want to come down on him too hard because she’s afraid of what he might do.
I realize that depression makes the whole “get out of bed and get on with life” thing difficult if not impossible. It appears to my parents, however, that he isn’t even trying to get better. So my question is when do you say, “You’ve had enough time and help to deal with this illness, it’s time to start behaving like a responsible adult!”? It seems that his friends are all in competition to see who can be the most miserable. They’re all taking antidepressants, or into cutting, or posting morose poetry to their Live Journals.
How do you know when it stops being the illness and starts being sponging? When does being supportive become enabling?
(My first OP! I figure I’ll give this whole guest membership thing a run for its money. Still up in the air about permanent membership.)