Where does the Kolbrin come from?

My Google-fu has failed me. I can’t find a web site that discusses the origin of the Kolbrin, other than many sites that talk in vague terms about the Culdian trust and Arthurian ties. The only skeptical reference I can find is in Wikipedia, and all it says is that the test appears to be a modern creation, without saying anything else. Does anyone have any other lit crit or historical crit information?


Hmm. Unless there’s a manuscript number somewhere or ANY evidence of any provenance or a version of the text in anything but modern English I’m not buying anything about it. Sounds like a Necronomicon for the even more-gullible-than-usual. I would say that whoever wrote the Wikipedia entry is exactly right and it’s an invention of around 1990 intended to separate fools from their money. Oldest indication of it on Worldcat is 1994.

Sounds like complete bunkum to me … a cursory web search turns up nothing to convince me of this thing’s authenticity, and I note that it’s not mentioned in either the “history” or the “myths and legends” section of Glastonbury Abbey’s website. I think this is just an excuse to part the gullible from their money.


Oh, man, this stuff’s hilarious! But you can’t convince me that anybody could ever take it seriously as an ancient document.

Don’t get me wrong - I think it’s up there with the Pole Shift, Planet X, 2012, etc. It has about as much credibility as Chicken Little. But with Canonical texts used to support such, uh, Revelations, the author can usually be traced, as they want to be in the limelight as much as their theory. In this case, I can’t find speculation as to who the author is. I suppose this adds into the mystery and fantasy behind the book, and perpetuates the myth that this book is “from the ancients.” I’m going to put my money on someone associated with the Culdians’ website/organization as the author. From what little I have read and can stomach, it reads like a lot of other New Age mystical gar-bahge I’ve seen.

There are those who take Nostradamus and similar alleged prognostigators very seriously.
The more preposterous the prediction the more likely they consider it to be true.
Haven’t you heard?
“A mule and his funny are poon sarted.”

I haven’t.

I wish I never had. :smack: