Where is a good place online to get basic D&D stuff?

I’ve tried searching the net for good D&D stuff, like character sheets and other things, but they all seem to suck.

Anyone know of a site that is worth visiting? I am playing SECOND edition, if it makes that much of a difference.

My character is a wizard and I was hoping to get a basic character sheet that can be used in the game.

Have you checked Wizards of the Coast? They “rescued” TSR when the company started to spiral down the big white bowl.

I found this to download. And they have a lot of 2nd and 1st edition publications free via the web.

Aren’t the character sheets found in the back of the Player’s Handbook? They are in 3rd Ed., at least.

I know that you said online, but you might be able to find a 2nd Ed. PH at, of all places, your local library. Mine’s got a copy, and a copy of the 2nd Ed. DMG as well. Worth checking out!

I’m pretty sure if he’s playing 2nd ed, he’s already got the Player’s Handbook, or at least access to one. Kinda hard to play without it. At any rate, there wasn’t a character sheet in that edition’s PHB, which is why I used to spend hours making my own, using MSWord. Ever try that, Mahaloth? It’s kinda fun.

Here come the links…

Olik’s Netbooks
Everything you always wanted to know about D&D, but were afraid to ask. Sex, drinking, armor, weapons, spells, magic systems, and adventures. Good resource.

Irony Games Web Tools
Make maps of cities, dungeons, clearings, worlds… whatever. Pretty good quality stuff.

RPG Archive
A huge database of adventures, NPCs, hooks, etcetera.

Hopefully, that’ll help.

Not really. I don’t have any 2e books. Never did. Not even when I played 2e. (My group’s onto 3e, now, and I have more books than the GM, I think.)

Also play GURPS with only the Lite version.

I need to find a gaming group to join. The local shop only hosts miniatures.
Anybody know a group, adults only please, in Middle Tennessee?

You might look around Dragonsfoot , they have a lot of Basic D&D/AD&D stuff. They also have some forums you might want to check out.

Try the gamerfinder over at www.sjgames.com
I’m not sure what the exact link is, but it’s a pretty good one. You’ll probably end up being converted to GURPS though :wink:

Pen & Paper

www.enworld.org has a “gamers seeking games” forum that specializes in 3E D&D. I’d link right to the forum, but the boards are moving from one server to another sometime today or tomorrow. I’ve found four gamers through these boards – two good, two crappy.


Well, now that my daughter’s awake and I can rummage around in her room through the old 2nd ed. stuff…

Nope, no character sheets in the PH. So, where did I get those that I used to photocopy for my husband…?

It seems that there are character sheets lurking in the back of the old “The Complete Book of” series (for example, “The Complete Book of Elves”). If you are playing, for example, an elven wizard, this book has a sheet for an elven wizard, (and an elven cleric, etc.) Not so likely that this would be found in the library, though. Sorry.

I forget that I play with a cheap bunch–most of them have no PH. They barely have dice. We do a lot of lending around here. Wish the library would upgrade to 3rd Ed…

Oh, but Miller’s MSWord character sheet reminded me of two things. In the really old days, my husband had a character sheet (2nd Ed., of course) he created on AppleWorks for his Apple IIgs! No one even remembers that program or computer. Also, I just got an e-mail from one of my fellow players who is tired of waiting for WotC to finally come out with the “real” version of the Character Generator (that disk that comes with the 3rd Ed. PH), so she’s creating a character sheet/stat calculator on Excel right now.

Oh, and if anyone’s looking for a game in the Twin Cities, we might consider you. We prefer players without jealous apartment managers, though. (It’s a long story.)