How do I find the BOOK?

No, not the Bible…

looking for this special AD&D book from an old 1996 campaign expansion for a gift for my sweet and sexy SO but… are w allowed to ask for help in such a way? I dont know all the rules even though I post like a nutty fruitcake! If I can, then I’ll name the BOOK but if not, then no harm no foul. Help me out, Dopers?

Can we seek out help in this way or no?

As far as I’m aware… but I am not a mod.

What’s AD&D? Gurunet turns up:

Accidental Death and Dismemberment
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Application Design & Development
Avionics Design & Development

So I figure it’s the second one?

Let’s be careful about those fruitcake references, shall we.

Try Amazon.

You can say the name of the book. It’s not against the rules.

Try Ebay. Failing that, try your local comic book shop. If they don’t have it, they may be able to find/order it for you. Outdated gaming books are often warehoused offsite. Even older, out-of-print ones.

And yes- You can name books. Cafe Society would get kind of strange if you couldn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s a second edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons set called, The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier - Campaign Expansion

I’m trying to find it for the SO and it’s not on eBay,, in the few comic book stores I’ve tried so far and I’m getting sad… SAD I tell you! Help me out! Help me find this item but not for massive amounts of cash. Used is fine. Thanks everyone!

It’s a Forgotten Realms set, BTW… if that helps TSR item #1142

It’s free, if you don’t need it in paper form. (Warning: Acrobat) If you do, maybe have Kinko’s print it and bind it up nice?

Just a quick note that that’s to a Wizards of the Coast official site, I’m not suggesting anyone steal it, etc. etc. so the copyright cops can stay away from me, thankyouverymuch.

Yes, I know it’s there but I wanted it in book form. My SO has it saved on hard drive and I wanted to help him out with a proper book. Thanks though and cops stay away from poor lil’ GMRyujin, he’s scared…

I think I have a lead! I’ve found someone who may sell it to me for around 30 bucks plus shipping. Great condition, they said. GMRyujin, is this a good price, ya think? I’ll be able to get it by X-mas if they decide to sell. Oh, serious JOY!!!

Try this too.

Hell if I know. $30 on a book that’s just about impossible to find sounds like a deal to me, though. That Abebooks site Baker posted has it for $60:

TSR. 1988. ISBN 0-88038-600-2. Complete Boxed Set. Tight sound unmarked copy in very good condition with minor rubs to edges and corners of covers. ISBN:0880386002 Bookseller Inventory #97043

I just searched on the title.

BAH! The guy has only parts to the set, my luck…

Trying the link Baker provided.