Where is the Jeff Olsen becomes Lute Skywalker thread?

Oh. Here it is.

Say what now?

Sorry. It’s Lute Skywatcher, not skywalker. :smack:
Anyways, Jeff apparantly finally got his name change. Congrats!

Hmmm…that was not the typo I was looking for.

Move along, move along.

I was wondering who the hell Lute Skywhatchlkermeister with 10,000 posts was…

Hi there!

:smiley: at Hal, Leesha, and Ilsa.

Fluke, fluke!

Impressive, young Lute. Most impressive. Oboe-wan has taught you well…

More puns! Throw more puns!

:looks around:

Now what did I do with my brandy?

Hmph! Puns. Brandy. A Jedi craves not these things.

::hits Kilt-wearin’ man with a pear-shaped stringed instrument::

You’re not lute! You’re a filthy lyre.

Brandy was a fine girl. What a good wife she would be!

I don’t see Jeff anywhere here, just a Lute.

That’s no Lute… That’s a Mandolin!

Is that a lute in your pocket or are you jeff happy to see us?

*Slinks out of thread, closing door quietly behind her, hoping no one notices her rather lame attempt at pun/play on words. *

You asshole! I’m trying not to wake my girlfriend up and I just choked on air when I read that :D.

Lute just recently discovered he has a sister named Ukuleila.