My wife and I totally disagree on this one. She applies the mustard to the bun and I just think THAT"S WRONG! I maintain that mustard should go on the wiener. What’s your opinion?
I put it on the hot dog. It’s just easier. Usually I lay a bead along the top of the dog and then twist it around inside the bun to spread it. As usual, food should be eaten in the one proper, true manner, and heretics should be burned at the stake. Or just ignore them, whatever works.
If you’re offended by that then this will make you really angry…
I put mustard, onions and dill relish down on the bun before the hot dog. What goes on top is the ketchup.
All condiments should be applied to the wiener, not the bun.
a person might think to put the mustard on the bun. this would be done on your bare buns to give that added tang by covering from edge to edge leaving no spot untouched. all the crevices and pores of the bun are filled.
now this is just wrong.
the mustard acts as a lubricant and the bun no longer has the grippage to hold on to your wiener tightly for that needed friction.
also you can’t get enough spicy goodness on your plump meaty wiener.
now on the other hand when you have a burger then everything is different.
silenus has it. Condiments dress the dog.
If I want it to look pretty and like I care, a lovely swizzle along the dog. If I’m just eating it, a bead on either side between the bun and the wiener.
Mustard between hot dog and bun on one side, ketchup between hot dog and bun on the other side, relish on top.
Heretic - Ketchup does not belong on a proper hot dog.
At the old Tiger Stadium (Detroit) vendors had a squeeze bottle with mustard which they would gladly apply (to the dog NOT the bun). Anyone requesting ketchup was subject to ridicule after which the vendor would pass down a couple of packets, which the customer had to apply themselves.
That’s what your index finger is for. To function as a stopper.
This is an amendment to the Constitution, or just a law in the city of Chicago?
Food imitates life.
She wants it in her bun, you want it on your wiener. It’s a conflict old as time.
On the hot dog, natch.
On the meat, then spin it!
Unless you’re eating your sandwich in pieces, it’s not going to have any effect on the taste. You’ll be eating hot dog and bun together in each bite and the mustard will be present regardless of which one you put it on.
But there is a practical difference in placement. If you put the mustard on the hot dog, it will sit on the surface. This makes it more vulnerable to falling out of the sandwich and on to your shirt.
So spread it on the bun. The bun will soak up the mustard and secure it in place.
When I was a kid and we didn’t have buns I would have two hot dogs.
The first hot dog would be cut up into pieces like you would any sausage.
The second hot dog I would split down the middle lengthwise and apply the mustard to the inside.
Anyway, when buns are involved, you’re putting the condiments on the weiner. The bun is just there to keep it from falling off the sides.
Another vote agreeing with silenius.
I put my mustard on my wiener.
(Sorry, I have the sense of humor of a 3rd grader.)
ETA: I see Qadgop the Mercotan beat me to it.
This part.