Where is your happy place and how do you get there?

Mine is Margaritaville…

I pop in the tape in the car, and if I really concentrate, I can feel the sun, the sand, taste the salt.

I really feel like I am nibbling on spongecake, watching the sun bake all of those tourists covered in oil. I can smell the shrip starting to boil.

Ahhhhh when I go there, all is well.
So, when the boss is on your back, the kids are fighting, your husband is a turd, your bestfriend moved to China and you have cramps…

Where do you go?

I don’t have a happy place anymore.

my happy place is a beach with crystal clear blue water and white powder sand and no one is there unless i want them there… and those people are usually hot chicks or my best friend…

My happy place is found at the bottom of a bottle of Southern Comfort.

and beer, lots of good German beer. and nachos and pizza too.
can’t forget the food

My happy place is a grove in an ancient forest.

So…it’s sad I don’t have one, right?

I always call it the Hammock Place. It’s somewhere temperate…there are lots of pine trees. PNW, maybe. There, it’s always 65 degrees and partly cloudy. The strong breeze is cooling but humid, and the weather is shaping up for an all-night thunderstorm. It’s late afternoon and I’m lying in a hammock hung between two pines on the edge of a large wooded lot so there’s no direct sunlight. Having just drowsed awake after a long afternoon nap, I stretch every muscle in my body at once as a man appears on the top of the hill. The house–a gray and blue victorian without too much gingerbread and a full vegetable garden–is on the other side of the rise, and he wants me to come in for dinner. The man changes from visit to visit, but some hang around longer than others.

It’s easiest to get there when the weather where I am matches the weather there. A good breeze on a spring evening is the perfect ticket. Otherwise, I have a lot of trouble getting myself somewhere so perfect.

It sounds really detailed, but I didn’t sit down to plan it. It just showed up one day, and I’m content to relive the same scene over and over.

May you find one again soon.

Valhalla. I go to Valhalla.

I LOVE that bar!


Yeah, me too. Lots of fighting, blonde women with large breasts, and beer.

What’s there not to like?


My happy place is any Alannah Hill store. There are four of them around Melbourne and I just go and browse and try on clothes until I feel better. :slight_smile:

My happy place is with my bunnies.

To get there, I go to my bunnies.

Perhaps this is not in keeping with the spirit of this thread…

Let’s see, it is tangled in unbelievably high thread count sheets with one of several dark-haired, dark-eyed, full-lipped celebrities.


The actual reachable happy place is with my kitties. They adore me always.

Mostly, it’s the horse manure that I hate.

Prrrrrrrr… curls up in bwk’s lap

my happy place is up the tree in the backyard, where i can swish my tail lazily and just lounge in the special place, where the interlaced branches are covered with soft leaves… sighs happily

My happy place is in my bed. I sleep there. I need more sleep.

My happy place is my home. I live on a lake. When things get to me, I walk down to the shore, out on my pier and sit in one of the rocking chairs we have on the deck at the end of the pier. Calm, serene and peaceful. I sit there for hours sometimes.

My bed. Nice comfy bed. With my blankets and my stuffed animals and my pillows. Nice bed.