Where will the threads in "Boo!" go

When the forum is retired?

Need answer fast…

I don’t know.
Is that fast enough? :smiley:

Still To Be Determjned.

Under discussion.

Is there any way to hide them, and keep them hidden from forum searches, for an entire year? (In the same way the mod forums are hidden.)

That way in a year from now you can bring “Boo!” back and have a whole forum full of Zombies.

Rip Van Winkle Zombies.

Ha! The posting dead!

Actually, we’ll probably close the forum to new posts and make it a subforum of MPSIMS. We’ll move anything out that’s still ongoing and not 100% Halloweeny. And next year … perhaps the Great Pumpkin will rise again!

But we’re still discussing it.

Was this a worthwhile thing for you, was it fun, would you like another holiday-themed area? Let us know.

And … is there enough traffic for “Turkey Talk?”

What about the embedded photos? Will they disappear?

Nothing should “vanish.” You just won’t be able to make posts there.

Unless, of course, it’s like Brigadoon, here today and gone tomorrow. But I suspect that would not be well received.

Tuna, to answer your question, I think the Boo forum was great. I like the idea of having a special ‘holiday’ forum, at least for the big ones.

I want a St Crispin’s Day forum.

Open only for a happy few posters?

You’d be a month too late …

(A bit flippant, yes, but a reminder from your friendly neighbourhood Canadian that not everyone here is a United Statesian … (BTW, kudos for recognizing that on the election forum))


Please, please do this for “Revenge of the Mad Scientist”! It’s very much ongoing and only superficially Halloween-y, and if you closed it, I’d have to do something drastic. Like, the actual work I’m paid to do.

Don’t make me do that.