Which baseball team plays the best player intro music?

But supposedly, he hated it.
The M’s have had some great ones - but some huge clunkers (“Lady Marmalade” for Ichiro (I think they thought the “gitchee, gitchee, ya ya da da” might sound vaguely like “Ichi.” Well, for those fans who were stoned out of their minds… but really, it was just odd). But I absolutely associate “Whatta Man” with Dan Wilson.

Archive Guy, they play that when the catcher visits the pitcher’s mound.

That’s why I mentioned it.

I don’t know if it was just once or only for a short time, but John Smoltz did enter to Dancing QUeen at some point.

Me? I’d go with Whipping Post, by the Allman Brothers Band of course. It’s got that great, menacing bass intro.