Which non-subscribing member should be given her/his last chance to post ...

Which non-subscribing member should be given her/his last chance to post to an OP or create a new thread? 4/20/04 11:59:59 …

I think I get the general gist of your thread and it contains a different spin than most of the subscription threads.
This one’s a bit of a toss-up.
While the idea of honorary “last free message” is interesting, I gotta point out that the actual issue is pretty academic. Squeaking through the pipeline won’t be monitored, just a matter of chance.
With that caveat, I’ll leave this open just for the more whaddyathink aspect.


Excuse me! I come from a long line of proud vacillators. It would be an insult to me, my family, and my ancestors if you do not take this into consideration.

Please…hmmph…such bourgeois behavoir :mad: !

You, sir, are inexcusable.
Your family and ancestors? Ptui, I spit. I’ll have you know that I come from such vague people they didn’t even leave a line, just a blurry smudge.
Nope, I’ve pondered this deeply, Skipper. You and all from whom you’ve sprung are just SOL.
So there.

Sheesh. This Stealth Mod stuff sucks.

Dear Sir (and I use the term “sir” graciously"),

Slap, slap, across each facial cheek with my calf skinned glove.

At dawn, sabers…you…you…bourgeois scum. :wink:

Is that because you should be using “Ma’am”?