Which of these 2 songs do you prefer?

This is the giant gulf between most of the people in these threads and me (and some few others, I supect). Some music just is best for dancing to, and I suspect a large portion of Dopers just don’t dance anymore (if they ever did), or definitely not going clubbing. Which is another reason outside the rampant rockism why pop music gets shorter shrift here in music threads.

Huh. I’ve never gone clubbing, but i do square dance to modern music. (It’s a thing, honest.) And i certainly judge music in part by whether it feels like dancing. That’s not my top criteria, i like a lot of minor key stuff that I’m sure no one dances to (Suzanne Vega, anyone?). But i definitely enjoy Mr Brightside in part because I’ve enjoyed dancing to it.

People like what people like. There’s no need to justify your taste or criticize anyone else’s.

Maybe it’s because this version of My Shot is an informal one, but it sounds like the rap my students put on TikTok.

As a hijack, I saw a video of Lin-Manuel Miranda performing a song from Hamilton during the Kennedy Center Honors of Barack Obama. This was before the play was released so no one had any clue what it was. The look on Obama’s face of “What is this shit?” was hysterical, especially in hindsight.

Agree. I like both songs but this cruddy version made it easy to decide.

Here’s the original cast recording (with lyrics) for comparison:

I’m not that familiar with the Killers, but how is “Mr. Brightside” not rock?

I’ve never really been that clear on the difference between “rock” and “pop”. To me, if it’s got electric guitars, real drums and a fast tempo, it’s rock. Rock is a big tent.

“Mr. Brightside” is most definitely a rock song. It’s dancy in that post-punk sort of way, but rock.

I like both but if I were in the car and had to choose it’d be Mr. Brightside.

That said, I loved Hamilton and would go see that long before going to a The Killers concert.

In fact, i went to Hamilton and really enjoyed it, and i haven’t been to a concert by The Killers and have zero interest in doing so. But i tend to get bored at concerts, even if i like the music. Hamilton has a plot. That’s huge. For attending a show. It’s not really relevant to “which song do you prefer?”

Oh, that’s not irrational.

Did I say it wasn’t? “Pop” and “rock” aren’t mutually exclusive categories.

Rockism” doesn’t just mean “likes rock music”.

I was not familiar with the term, but it seems to me like the kind of tempest in a teacup that only professional critics pretend to give a whit about. While I’m sure there are some exceptions, most of us older people on the board don’t think that rock is “superior” or “more authentic” than other genres - we just happen to like it more.

(I admit that sounding authentic can be seen as part of the rock “brand”, in certain subgenres of rock, but that doesn’t mean anything - lots of things that sound authentic aren’t, and lots of thing that don’t, are. Remember, the key to success is sincerity. If you can fake that you’ve got it made).

You (not you, Alessan specifically, I mean plural you-rock-fans-as-a-class) could have fooled me

I bailed out of that thread after 250 posts; no way I’m going back.

Good call :slight_smile:

True, but around here, in Chicago, at least when I was having these “rockism” vs “poptimism” debates back in the aughties (when I last was super active talking about music online), the Killers would definitely have been on the rockism side, with similar dancy bands like Franz Ferdinand, maybe stuff like “Float On” by Modest Mouse,“Crazy” by Gnarls Barkley, etc. “Poptimists” were mostly Kylie Minogue, Brittany Spears, NSYNC, that kind of stuff, I guess. If it was a traditional band with guitars (especially distorted), bass, drums, and a singer, it was for the rockists.

Thankfully, there were few music listeners I met that were polarized at the message board I frequented. Both liked a good mix of guitar music and pop music.

You realize Crazy is largely sample-based, right?

As do I - especially guitar pop.

That was a late edit that was supposed to go on the “poptimist” side, of course. I just remember a particular debate on that board raging and one of the only songs this particularly obnoxious rockist liked from that era was that one.