Which super hero is most likely to be racist when he's off the clock?

slaps forehead
I read those trades just last month, too.

Guy Gardner was who came to mind to me (granted, I’ve read very few comic books in the last 20 years, so my impression is based on his behavior during the 1980s, particularly in Justice League International).

Naw, he was a dick to everyone. He even tried being a dick to Batman.


Best “man” friend? As opposed to Krypto? :stuck_out_tongue:

(who is white, come to think of it).

The Punisher actually turned black for a while in a really bad storyline best left forgotten. :smack:

Depending on how you define racism, there are a lot of mutants that don’t like “flatscans”. Not generally a trait of heroic mutants, but sometimes a human hating villain will have a face turn and become a hero. Even happened with Magneto.

Off hand, I can’t think of any non-mutants that qualify as heroes but hate mutants.

Guy (white)'s best friends include Kyle Rayner (Latino, Jewish*), John Stewart (black), and Killowog (not even human), and before the relaunch he was very friendly with the Reyes family in Blue Beetle.

He’s a jerk, occasionally comes across as a bit sexist, and I’d be unsurprised if he turned out to be a bit homophobic, but he’s quite clearly not racist.

(Yeah, yeah, I know ‘some of my best friends are…’, but these are genuine friendships (especially John and Killowog), and not a ‘you’re a credit to your race’ thing.)

  • Not particularly religious, but he has been shown attending Jewish religious services.

Yeah, I was basing it off of his 80’s persona too.

Thing is, most of us are trying to think of who the jerks are. But the hypothetical racist superhero could be an otherwise generally nice guy.

I stand by blindingly vanilla midwesterner Barry Allen (until someone who reads more than I do proves otherwise).

Also Nighthawk thought that the equally black Atlanta Blur was a sellout cos he used his powers to endorse energy drinks and get chicks. Dude was angry.

Judge Dredd. He’d kick your mutie ass over the Wall and back into the Cursed Earth before you could say snut.

I’d nominate Conan the Barbarian in that case, in Shadows In Zamboula he faces off with a group of African(oh sorry Darfar :rolleyes:) cannibals living in a diverse trading city. The author makes sure bit characters tell us just how gross and disturbing the mongrel population of the city is, what with all their racial mixing.

Conan takes a break from the action to expound on why animalistic behaviour and cannibalism is in the blood of those from Darfar. Its really jarring and a shame too because its a hell of a good pulp adventure story.

As opposed to Chloe…

Good call. Conan and Tarzan should qualify as superheroes, showing strength, stamina, and skill beyond that of all other humans.

Getting out to the fringe of what could be called a superhero there’s the original Buck Rogers also. In 25th century Aryan-Americans were aided by Buck in the great battle with the evil Asian Han in the original story, and the Great Mongol Empire in comic strips.

Hell, Conan kicked Captain America’s ass ;). 'course in that incarnation he was leading a black street gang, but still…

Superman says YOU can slap a Jap with war bonds and stamps!


No more racist than calling the Germans "Nazis’ or “the Hun”. It was War, they were the Enemy.

Tarzan wasn’t racist, but er burroughs, sure was, devising his own evolutionary system for africans that ranked them some being lesser than apes, some better than apes, and a few being damn near good as an englishman (o faithful waziri). although the truly despicable villains in the erb books were whites from the european continent (i tink it blow purty hard purty soon…)

Or then there’s Burroughs’ Barsoom, which is pretty clearly racist, but the races are all scrambled up. The red men are on the top of the heap, the greens are savage but honorable, and the whites are bestial apes (plus a smattering of other races, each with their own universally-applicable stereotype).

ERB was born in 1875, so let us not be guilty of the sin of presentism.

For that matter, Sherlock Holmes is surprisingly racist with his evaluation of passionate, tropical races and suchlike.